GEORGE:You're not saying that. MAN:You can't leave.You're two are quarantined. BAILEY:I got this under control if you need to get back to your wife OMAR:Helloz i need helr please.I know you can hear me.I see you standing out there in your giant white space suit. (Omar is in quarantine as well.A guard stands at his door.) BAILEY:Sir? OMAR:yes! OMAR:Hello out there.Thank God you can hear me.How's my wife? atekamreo5ba3xog5onbRaoayoetkmg6867het OMAR:You know how many daysI been in here? BAILEY:It's only been a few hours. OMAR:Really?I'm losing it.I'm losing track of time. BAILEY:Ok sir,you're sweating.I need you to sit down,get back in the bed. OMAR:Well what about my wife?Can you find outabout Giselle? again. OMAR:Wait!Don'tgo please.Just.just stay a minute. BAILEY:Okay,I'm staying. OMAR:Omar.Call me Omar. BAILEY:Okay,Omar.I'm right here. -2-22 (Meredith answers the door.) CALLIE:I brought food. GEORGE: You're not saying that. MAN: You can't leave. You're two are quarantined. - BAILEY: I got this under control if you need to get back to your wife RICHARD: No, no. I should check in with the IDC rep. I have to stay on top of my hospital. Keep me posted. OMAR: Hello? I need help please. I know you can hear me. I see you standing out there in your giant white space suit. (Omar is in quarantine as well. A guard stands at his door.) BAILEY: Sir? OMAR: yes! MAN IN SUIT: No unauthorized personnel beyond this point, ma'am. IDC regulations. BAILEY: Look I know he is under quarantine, but he's also a patient. And I will not ignore a patient. OMAR: Hello out there. Thank God you can hear me. How's my wife? BAILEY: My name is Dr. Bailey, Miranda Bailey. You're wife is out of surgery, she's quarantined in recovery but she's doning fine, now you were asking for help? OMAR: You know how many days I been in here? BAILEY: It's only been a few hours. OMAR: Really? I'm losing it. I'm losing track of time. BAILEY: Ok sir, you're sweating. I need you to sit down, get back in the bed. OMAR: Well what about my wife? Can you find out about Giselle? BAILEY: Like I said sir, she came out of surgery just fine, but I can check on her status again. You just stay calm until I get back. OMAR: Wait! Don't go please. Just.just stay a minute. BAILEY: Okay, I'm staying. OMAR: Omar. Call me Omar. BAILEY: Okay, Omar. I'm right here. - (Meredith answers the door.) CALLIE: I brought food
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