Go through the Customs The first case is no check.Some airports of western oral declaration:口头申报 European countries write "Nothing to declare"at the oral:a.spoken口头的 customs or there are no customs officials at the an oral examination口试 customs. the oral method(外国语的)口语教学法 The second case is oral declaration.Passengers do I just made an oral report to my boss. not need to fill out the Customs Declaration.Customs 我只是向上司做了口头汇报。 officials only ask what the passengers take with them 反义词written and usually do not open the suitcases. Customs Declaration:海关申报单,报关单 The third case is that filling out the Customs Declaration is required.At the customs,the officials often ask and seldom open the suitcases. The fourth case is that filling out the Customs Declaration and checking the suitcases are both required. 1616 Go through the Customs The first case is no check. Some airports of western Europeancountries write “Nothing to declare” atthe customs or there are no customs officials at the customs. The secondcase is oral declaration. Passengers do not need to fill out the Customs Declaration. Customs officials only ask whatthe passengerstake withthem and usually do not open the suitcases. The third case isthat filling out the Customs Declarationis required. At the customs, the officials often ask and seldom open the suitcases. The fourth case isthat filling out the Customs Declarationand checking the suitcases are both required. oral declaration:口头申报 oral: a.spoken口头的 an oral examination 口试 the oral method (外国语的)口语教学法 I just made an oral report to my boss. 我只是向上司做了口头汇报。 反义词written Customs Declaration:海关申报单,报关单
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