second and your life changes forever.Before you know it,you're somewhere else. CHIEF:Gentlemen. GEORGE:Chief!Can we please get out of here now? CHIEF:No. DEREK:A split second. (Flashback to when Derek met Meredith at Joe's.) JOE:Straight Tequila?Really?You are going to be sorry in the morning. BK&gb8BbaoRng。egobeotksmgematpleae.oMeredt5o MEREDITH:I wouldn't know,I've never been here before. DEREK:Oh well you know what,I haven't either.First time in town.I'm new in town First time in Seattle.I got a job so.Ah you're ignoring me. MEREDITH:I'm trying to. DEREK:You shouldn'tignore me. MEREDITH:Why not? DEREK:Because I'm someone you need to get to know to love MEREDITH:So if I know you,I'll love you? DEREK:Oh yes. MEREDITH:You really like yourself,huh? DEREK:Just hiding my pain.So what's your story? MEREDITH:I don't have a story.I'm just a girl in a bar. DEREK:I'm just a guy in a bar ALEX:How do you not know your kid's pregnant? ADDISON:You love your kids.Youwantto see the best in them. ALEX:Well then how do you have a baby and throw it in a trash can? You pan and you hide d petand ADDISON:Something ha second and your life changes forever. Before you know it, you're somewhere else. CHIEF: Gentlemen. GEORGE: Chief! Can we please get out of here now? CHIEF: No. DEREK: A split second. - (Flashback to when Derek met Meredith at Joe's.) JOE: Straight Tequila? Really? You are going to be sorry in the morning. MEREDITH: I'm always sorry in the morning. But tomorrow I start my first day at work, so keep them coming. DEREK: (to Joe) How you doing? Double scotch, single malt please. (to Meredith) So is this a good place to hang out? MEREDITH: I wouldn't know, I've never been here before. DEREK: Oh well you know what, I haven't either. First time in town. I'm new in town. First time in Seattle. I got a job so. Ah you're ignoring me. MEREDITH: I'm trying to. DEREK: You shouldn't ignore me. MEREDITH: Why not? DEREK: Because I'm someone you need to get to know to love. MEREDITH: So if I know you, I'll love you? DEREK: Oh yes. MEREDITH: You really like yourself, huh? DEREK: Just hiding my pain. So what's your story? MEREDITH: I don't have a story. I'm just a girl in a bar. DEREK: I'm just a guy in a bar. - ALEX: How do you not know your kid's pregnant? ADDISON: You love your kids. You want to see the best in them. ALEX: Well then how do you have a baby and throw it in a trash can? ADDISON: Something happens. You panic.You freeze, and you hide it and pretend like it didn't happen I get that
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