四川建筑职业技术学院 授课教案 A.文内容提要 How to get through the interview. The followings my help you. Before the interview, equip yourself with your own credentials, find out something about the company and your employer, make sure your appearance is neat, and arrive on time. Throughout the interview, be friendly, courteous and relaxed, answer the questions simply, directly and honestly, try to raise your questions when it's to be an end. After that, that a polite leave B.汇年解 1. appl ication n.申请,请求 The manager received many applications for the position 经理已收到许多求职申请书 . We made an application to court for an enquiry 我们曾请求法院调查。 /船加蔹同源派生词: apply v请求; apply for申请,请求; applicant n申请人, 求职者 /常用 fa application(to sb.) for sth.)由某人对某事的申请 2. arrange v 1安排,整理 She's good at arranging flowers.她擅长插花 预做,计划 A marriage has been arranged between Mr. Brown and Miss White 布朗先生和怀特小姐的婚礼已经筹备好了 /船惚摭巧同源派生词: arrangement n安排,整理。复数形式: arrangements n计划, 准备 /常用 fA arrange(with sb) (for/about sth)约定,商定; arrange for改写 3. detail 1n细节;详情,细目 Every detail of her dress was perfect 她衣服上的每一个细节都很完美 Could you explain that in detail?请你把它详细说明一下好吗 2ν详细描写或说明 The characteristics of the machine are fully detailed in our brochure 这机器的性能在我们的小册子里详细的描写 /常职 go/enter into details, explain sth in detail详细说明; detail for/to详细描写 4. equip 供给……所需的东西;装备 · They equipped themselves for that camp.他们准备好去露营。 The PLa has been equipped with modern weapons /船加菠巧同源派生词: equipment n装备 朱瑞娜基础科学系英语教研室 第1页四 川 建 筑 职 业 技 术 学 院 授 课 教 案 朱瑞娜 基础科学系英语教研室 第 1 页 2005 年 Unit 1 Text B A.课文内容提要 How to get through the interview. The followings my help you. Before the interview, equip yourself with your own credentials, find out something about the company and your employer, make sure your appearance is neat, and arrive on time. Throughout the interview, be friendly, courteous and relaxed, answer the questions simply, directly and honestly, try to raise your questions when it’s to be an end. After that, that a polite leave. B.词汇详解 1.application n.申请,请求 •The manager received many applications for the position. 经理已收到许多求职申请书。 •We made an application to court for an enquiry. 我们曾请求法院调查。 [记忆技巧]同源派生词:apply v.请求;apply for 申请,请求;applicant n.申请人, 求职者 [常用短语] application(to sb.)(for sth.)由某人对某事的申请 2.arrange v. 1.安排,整理 •She’s good at arranging flowers.她擅长插花。 2.预做,计划 •A marriage has been arranged between Mr. Brown and Miss White. 布朗先生和怀特小姐的婚礼已经筹备好了。 [记忆技巧]同源派生词:arrangement n.安排,整理。复数形式:arrangements n.计划, 准备 [常用短语] arrange(with sb)(for/about sth)约定,商定;arrange for 改写 3. detail 1.n.细节;详情,细目 •Every detail of her dress was perfect. 她衣服上的每一个细节都很完美。 •Could you explain that in detail? 请你把它详细说明一下好吗? 2.v.详细描写或说明 •The characteristics of the machine are fully detailed in our brochure. 这机器的性能在我们的小册子里详细的描写。 [常用短语] go/enter into details; explain sth.in detail详细说明;detail for/to 详细描写 4.equip v. 供给……所需的东西;装备 •They equipped themselves for that camp.他们准备好去露营。 •The PLA has been equipped with modern weapons. [记忆技巧]同源派生词:equipment n.装备
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