It was a great invention but at first many people scoffed at it. (戏弄) chaff: (inf1) To make fun of sb in a good-humored way. He chaffed the man about his mistakes in speaking English. (ilae) jeer: To laugh rudely at /to insult sb in a loud, unpleasant way. They always jeer at the priests gibe(jibe): To laugh at with the intention of hurting the feeling with sarcastic remarKs Don t gibe at her behavior until you know the reason for it (讥笑冷笑) sneer: To express proud dislike by a kind of usu,one-side smile or to show scorn or contempt by looks She sneered at the furniture in his neighbor s home joke: To make fun of You mustn t joke with him about religion. (ExE) jest: To act or speak playful, not seriously Don"t (xXF) banter: To speak, or act playfully or jokingly We bantered him on the subject of marriage 轻视) scorn: To look down upon. 疯 mad Showing that one has amanita illness which often causes them to behave in strange crazy:(inf1) Very strange or foolish. psychotic: The most precise one. used by psychiatrists. insane Not sound in mind. Used in scientific articles lunatic: (old derog) wildly foolish demented It indicates sbs mentality has degenerated from a precious level maniac:(n)A mad person who is violent and dangerous 29.味道 ll: The most general one It refers to something pleasant or unpleasant. odo(u)r:(fml) More used in scientific articles fragrance: A sweet or pl t smell It refers to flowers and stresses a delicate smell from plants Those roses have a delightful fragrance scent: A smell esp. left by an animals, an pleasant smell. Our dog lost the foxs scent. perfume: A sweet or pleasant smell It refers to either natural smell or a man-made smell and stresses a strong and rich smell compared with fragranceIt was a great invention but at first many people scoffed at it. (戏弄) chaff: (infl) To make fun of sb in a good-humored way. He chaffed the man about his mistakes in speaking English. (讥笑) jeer: To laugh rudely at /to insult sb in a loud, unpleasant way. They always jeer at the priests. gibe(jibe): To laugh at with the intention of hurting the feeling with sarcastic remarks. Don"t gibe at her behavior until you know the reason for it. (讥笑 冷笑) sneer: To express proud dislike by a kind of usu, one- side smile or to show scorn or contempt by looks. She sneered at the furniture in his neighbor"s home. joke: To make fun of. You mustn"t joke with him about religion. (取笑) jest: To act or speak playful, not seriously. Don"t jest about serious things. (戏弄) banter: To speak, or act playfully or jokingly. We bantered him on the subject of marriage. (轻视) scorn: To look down upon. 28.疯 mad: Showing that one has amanita illness which often causes them to behave in strange way. crazy: (infl) Very strange or foolish. psychotic: The most precise one. used by psychiatrists. insane Not sound in mind. Used in scientific articles. lunatic: (old derog) wildly foolish. demented It indicates sb"s mentality has degenerated from a precious level. maniac: (n) A mad person who is violent and dangerous. 29.味道 smell: The most general one. It refers to something pleasant or unpleasant. odo(u)r: (fml) More used in scientific articles. fragrance: A sweet or pleasant smell. It refers to flowers and stresses a delicate smell from plants. Those roses have a delightful fragrance. scent: A smell esp. left by an animals, an pleasant smell. Our dog lost the fox"s scent. perfume: A sweet or pleasant smell. It refers to either natural smell or a man-made smell and stresses a strong and rich smell compared with fragrance
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