Composition of Eggs - egg white (albumen) • Proteins (cont’n) •globulins (8%): including lysozyme, are important for foaming •lysozyme: ability to hydrolyze a polysaccharide in the cell wall of some bacteria to prevent bacterial spoilage • others: ovoinhibitor, ovoflavoprotein, ovomicroglobulin, avidin (binds biotin, but is heat sensitive)Composition of Eggs - egg white (albumen) • Proteins (cont’n) •globulins (8%): including lysozyme, are important for foaming •lysozyme: ability to hydrolyze a polysaccharide in the cell wall of some bacteria to prevent bacterial spoilage • others: ovoinhibitor, ovoflavoprotein, ovomicroglobulin, avidin (binds biotin, but is heat sensitive)