adj. negative[数]负的;消极的;否定的;阴性的 n. negate对立面;反面 negation否定,否认;拒绝 negativity否定性;消极性 negativeness消极性;否定性 negativist消极主义者,否定论者 V1. negate否定;否认;无效 vt. negate否定;取消;使无效 14. positively (Line4.Para3) 用法: adv.in a positive way积极地 I)We need to approach this problem positively II)Try to think more positively about walks.They're actually good for your health 词组短语 positively related正相关的 同近义词 adv.肯定地;明确地;断然地specifically,definitely 同根词 词根:posit adj. positive积极的:[数]正的,[化学][医]阳性的;确定的,肯定的;实际的,真实的:绝 对的 n. posit假设;设想 positivism实证主义;实证论;积极性;武断 positivity积极性,确实 positiveness信心;肯定 vt. posit安置;假定 15.respond (Line4,Para3) 用法: vi.act in answer反应,▣应 I)He responded to my suggestions with laughter II)The police respond to emergencies in just a few minutes. v.say or write in reply回答,答复 I)They still haven't responded to my letter. III)He responded that he didn't want to see anyone. 1212 adj. negative [数] 负的;消极的;否定的;阴性的 n. negate 对立面;反面 negation 否定,否认;拒绝 negativity 否定性;消极性 negativeness 消极性;否定性 negativist 消极主义者,否定论者 vi. negate 否定;否认;无效 vt. negate 否定;取消;使无效 14. positively (Line4,Para3) 用法: adv. in a positive way 积极地 I) We need to approach this problem positively. II) Try to think more positively about walks. They’re actually good for your health. 词组短语 positively related 正相关的 同近义词 adv.肯定地;明确地;断然地 specifically, definitely 同根词 词根:posit adj. positive 积极的;[数] 正的,[化学][医] 阳性的;确定的,肯定的;实际的,真实的;绝 对的 n. posit 假设;设想 positivism 实证主义;实证论;积极性;武断 positivity 积极性,确实 positiveness 信心;肯定 vt. posit 安置;假定 15. respond (Line4,Para3) 用法: vi. act in answer 反应,回应 I) He responded to my suggestions with laughter. II)The police respond to emergencies in just a few minutes. v. say or write in reply 回答,答复 I) They still haven’t responded to my letter. III) He responded that he didn’t want to see anyone
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