http://cc.sjtu.edu.cn/G2S/6921.jpkc 德材料组织结构表征-X射线部分-Windows Internet Explorer -回X http://cc.sjtu.edu.cn/G2S/Template/View.aspx?action=view&courseType=0&courseld=6921 ,8y×6ng ☆收藏夹 色材料组织结构表证X射城部分 台··□·页面P·安全S),工具O)、0, 适用柔程:材料组织结构的表征(0MT324) 材料组织结构表征X射线部分 课程简介 教师介绍 教学日历 课程简介 完整地描述一个材料应包括其化学成分、晶体结构、显微组织等诸要 素,材料微结构分析是材料科学与工程专业的一门主要基础专业课,讲 授分析材料上述特征的各种现代物理方法,包括X射线衍射、电子显微分 析、现代谱学分析等主要方法。本部分主要讲授X射线衍射分析的基本原 理和方法。 教材:周玉主编《材料分析方法(第2版)》,机械工业出版社 (2004),1SBN978-7-111-07595-0 X-ray diffraction analysis,especially powder diffraction method is one of the key methods to characterize a material.The utility of this method has been tested for over 90 years of successful use in both academia and industry. Crystals such as diamonds,emeralds and rubies are enjoyed for their pefect shapes and astonishing range of colours.Besides external shapes,ordered atomic structures are present in a variety of common materials,eg.metals, and,rocks or ices,in addition to those precious stones.The ordered arranged atoms form crystal,whose beauty can be appreciated from an infinite number of distinct diffraction patterns when interacting with certain types of waves, eg.X-rays. 完成 ●Internet保护模式启用 110%http://cc.sjtu.edu.cn/G2S/6921.jpkc
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