EFFECTS OF COST SHARING ON PHYSICIAN UTILIZATION REFERENCES IA, Culyer AJ, Newhouse JP(eds). North-Holland Elsevier: Amsterdam. 2000: 563-643 10. Stoddart G, Barer M, Evans R. User Charges Manning WG. Moral hazard an Snares and Delusions: Another Look at the litera sumer incentives in health care. In Handbook o Health Economics, vol. 1A, Culyer AJ, Newhouse ture. Ontario Premiers Council on Health. Well being and Social Justice: Toronto, 1994 JP (eds). North-Holland Elsevier: Amsterdam, 11. Van Doorslaer E. Effects of cost 2000;409-459 g on the 2. Crainich D. Closon MC. Cost containment and drug Hospital1984;3:69-81 health care reform in Belgium. In Health Care and 12. Carrin G, van Daal J. An empirical model of the demand for health care in Belgium. In economet 219-266 rics of Health Care, Duru G, Paelinck J(eds) 3. Chiappori PA, Durand F, Geoffard PY. Moral Kluwer: Dordrecht. 1991: 59-78 hazard and the demand for physician services: first 13. Adriaenssen I, De Graeve D. 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