(轴 (感觉 Muscles A n Serum (肌 肉) Soma 道(神经 Dendrite G苏glion (神经细胞) (树 Sensory neuron Monopolar(单级神经元):most of neurons (感觉神经 Muscles 元) B Soma Motor neurons (触 Synapse Axon Neuropil (运动神经 Dendrite (神经 元 毡) Muscles Bipolar(双极神经元):neurons involved with peripheral receptors Interneurons (感觉 (联络/中间神经 Sensillum器) Soma Dendrite FIGURE11.3.The configuration ganion.The neuropil contains theaxo dendrites Axon and synapses,with their soma located along the outside of the ganglion core.The soma of sensory neurons are located near the receptor. ultipolar(多极神经元):neurons for intemal stretch receptors
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