Cristina:Mmm.Georgesaid Alison was wearing your shoes Meredith:Yeah.It's weird,right? Cristina:It's weird that you care. Meredith:Ithink it's weird. They hear a carswerve and,looking through the glass at what we can'tsee,rush outside A man is staggering out of his car,his clothes soaked in blood,mainly around his crotch.He collapses.In seconds there are doctors and nurses checking him.Cut to Meredith calling security and then pulling the man's bed with other hospital staff. Bailey:5o,what've we got? Meredith:Take a look. Bailey:What?(o)All right,let's get him int OR 1.Meredith,you call the chief and let him know we got the rapist Cut to Meredith and Cristina,maskson,in the OR. Meredith:IsawAlison,you can'tbelieve the beating that she took.And then tosee this. Cristina:It's like that old saying,you should see the other guy. Bailey:Why are we not attempting to reattachthe severed penis? Cristina:Teeth don't slice,they tear,you can only reattach with a clean cut.If she wanted toslice him off with a knife. Meredith:Besides,the digestive juices didn't leave much of the flesh to work with. Bailey:Right,so what do we do? Cristina:Sew him up minus a largepart of the family jewels. Bailey:And his outlook? Meredith:He'll be urinating out of a bag for a very,very long time Cristina:Not to mention he'll never be able to have sex again. Cristina: Mmm. George said Alison was wearing your shoes. Meredith: Yeah. It's weird, right? Cristina: It's weird that you care. Meredith: I think it's weird. They hear a car swerve and, looking through the glass at what we can't see, rush outside. A man is staggering out of his car, his clothes soaked in blood, mainly around his crotch. He collapses. In seconds there are doctors and nurses checking him. Cut to Meredith calling security and then pulling the man's bed with other hospital staff. Bailey: So, what've we got? Meredith: Take a look. Bailey: What? (looks) All right, let's get him into OR 1. Meredith, you call the chief and let him know we got the rapist. Cut to Meredith and Cristina, masks on, in the OR. Meredith: I saw Alison, you can't believe the beating that she took. And then to see this. Cristina: It's like that old saying, you should see the other guy. Bailey: Why are we not attempting to reattach the severed penis? Cristina: Teeth don't slice, they tear, you can only reattach with a clean cut. If she wanted to slice him off with a knife. Meredith: Besides, the digestive juices didn't leave much of the flesh to work with. Bailey: Right, so what do we do? Cristina: Sew him up minus a large part of the family jewels. Bailey: And his outlook? Meredith: He'll be urinating out of a bag for a very, very long time. Cristina: Not to mention he'll never be able to have sex again
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