Answer::1)ionic form(离子式) Acidic medium: Mno+OMn+SO When the left side has excess n oxygen atoms,add 2n H+at the left side,and add n H2O at the right side. When the left side lacks n oxygen atoms,add n H2O at the left side,and add 2n H+at the right side. 2)Two half-reactions in an acidic solution ① MnO +8H*+5e Mn2++4HO ② S0}+H0-2e=SO子+2H ①X2+②X5,we get 2MnC+5S023+6H=2Mn2++5S02+3H,0 then:molecular equation 2KMnO+5K2S03+3H2S04=2MnS04+6K2S04+3H2O   +  +  + +   + + +  + SO H O 2 e SO 2 H MnO 8 H 5 e M n 4 H O 2 2 4 2 3 2 2 ① 4 ② ①×2+②×5, we get 2MnO 5SO 6 H 2Mn 5SO 3 H2 O 2 4 2 2 4 + 3 +  + +   + +  2) Two half-reactions in an acidic solution : 2KMnO4 +5 K2 SO3 +3 H2 SO4  2MnSO4 +6 K2 SO4 +3 H2 O then:molecular equation MnO4 2- + SO3 2- → Mn2+ +SO4 2- H+ Answer:1)ionic form(离子式) Acidic medium: When the left side has excess n oxygen atoms,add 2n H+ at the left side, and add n H2O at the right side. When the left side lacks n oxygen atoms,add n H2O at the left side, and add 2n H+ at the right side
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