Ⅱ根据汉语意思完成句子。 1.在这儿,足球和篮球一样受欢迎。 Basketball is as popular as football here. 2.别生我的气。 Don’t be mad at me. 3.他们需要把这些黑点儿擦掉。 They need to clean off these black marks. 4.我们从不事先未通电话便登门拜访朋友。 We never drop by a friend's house without calling first. 导航页导航页 Ⅱ.根据汉语意思完成句子。 1.在这儿,足球和篮球一样受欢迎。 Basketball is __________popular __________football here. 2.别生我的气。 Don’t __________ __________at me. 3.他们需要把这些黑点儿擦掉。 They need to __________ __________these black marks. 4.我们从不事先未通电话便登门拜访朋友。 We _______ ________ _______a friend’s house without calling first. as as be mad clean off never drop by
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