Systems Engineering Homework 3 >Homework submission deadline:20:00,2014-June-10 Discussions with fellow students are encouraged.However,the homework must be completed and submitted on an individual basis.If two or more students submit identical homework solutions,each student will get only a fraction of the grade for this assignment. Late policy:first late day will reduce your assignment grade by 50%.Additional days will reduce the entire homework grade to 0.If you have a special circumstance,please contact jianjun.gao@situ.edu.cn ahead of the submission deadline. >Control the font size to 10 or 11. Question 1(40 points)The Object-Process-Model:Use Refrigerator as the example to build a OPM model in OPCAT.Requirements: (1)Google how refrigerator works.Choose the boundary of your system carefully. (2)Include at least 5 objects in your model,e.g.,air(inside and outside),food,Light,Cabinet... (3)Include at least 3 main process in your model. (4)Includes both structure links and Procedural links,e.g.,the Agent links,instrument link,Conditional link If OPCAT is not working,you can draw the model by hand or other software,however you need to explain the diagram briefly.If you are using OPCAT,the Object Process Language is generated automatically.Copy the OPL to your homework. Question 2(30 points)Read the lecture notes 7-2 carefully and answer the questions: (a)What is convex set? (b)What is convex function? (c)Show that the following function f(,y)is convex. f(x,)=5(x-2)2+6(y-3)2+(x-1)(y-2)+3x+4y (d)The notation A(t):=fr E R"f(r)<t)denotes the set of x in R"space such that all the elements in this set satisfying f(r)<t for some given t.Prove the following result:if f(z)is a convex function then the A(t)is a convex set for any t. (e)What kind of problem is a convex optimization problem? (f)Show that the following problem is a convex optimization problem. mfz,4,)=-5x2-52-322+0.5ry+0.3r2-2x-2y 8.t.5(x-2)2+6*(y-3)2+(x-1)(y-2)+3x+4y≤20 2x+2y+2:≤4 y+62≥-3 Question 3(30 points)To answer this question please refer to the Bridge design experiment. (a)What is the minimum cost design?(Please provide your excel file with your answer) (b)Answer the question e2 in Bridge design experiment. (c)Answer the question e3 in Bridge design experiment.Systems Engineering Homework 3  Homework submission deadline: 20:00, 2014-June-10  Discussions with fellow students are encouraged. However, the homework must be completed and submitted on an individual basis. If two or more students submit identical homework solutions, each student will get only a fraction of the grade for this assignment.  Late policy: first late day will reduce your assignment grade by 50%. Additional days will reduce the entire homework grade to 0. If you have a special circumstance, please contact jianjun.gao@sjtu.edu.cn ahead of the submission deadline.  Control the font size to 10 or 11. Question 1 (40 points) The Object-Process-Model: Use Refrigerator as the example to build a OPM model in OPCAT. Requirements: (1) Google how refrigerator works. Choose the boundary of your system carefully. (2) Include at least 5 objects in your model, e.g., air(inside and outside), food, Light, Cabinet… (3) Include at least 3 main process in your model. (4) Includes both structure links and Procedural links, e.g., the Agent links, instrument link, Conditional link If OPCAT is not working, you can draw the model by hand or other software, however you need to explain the diagram briefly. If you are using OPCAT, the Object Process Language is generated automatically. Copy the OPL to your homework. Question 2(30 points) Read the lecture notes 7-2 carefully and answer the questions: Question 3(30 points) To answer this question please refer to the Bridge design experiment. (a) What is the minimum cost design?(Please provide your excel file with your answer) (b) Answer the question e2 in Bridge design experiment. (c) Answer the question e3 in Bridge design experiment
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