Chapter 3 The government of the united ingdom Time Allocation: 4 periods Focal Points: the formation of the government; the monarch; Parliament; the Prime Minister: the Cabinet Focus questions 1. What is the central government made up of?(The monarch, Parliament, and the cabinet) 2. What are the three branches of the English parliament? (The Monarch, the hor of Lords, and the house of commons) 3. What are the five titles of nobility?(Duke, Marquees, Earl, Viscount and Baron) 4. Who chooses the members of the British Cabinet?(Prime Minister) 5. In which place are Kings and Queens crowned? (Westminster Abbey) 6. Where is the Monarchs residence in London? (Buckingham Palace) 7. What's the meaning of"parliament"?(A place for argument and debate) 8. When was the parliamentary system instituted in Britain?(in the 13th centur 9. What is the chairman of the House of Commons called?(Speaker) 10. What is the chairman of the House of Lords called? (Lord Chancellor) 11. What is the Cabinet made up of? (The Prime Minister and some other ministers) 12. Who are civil servants?(Government employees) 13. Who are always included in the Cabinet?(The Minister of Defense, the Foreign Secretary and the Chancellor of the Exchequer) 14 How are the members of parliament in the house of commons elected how are those in the house of lords selected? Introduction to the System of Government To know the political systems of the UK, first of all, we should be clear about the definition ofgovernment What is“ government”? Government is a political organization comprising the individuals and institutions authorized to formulate public policies and conduct affairs of state1 Chapter 3 The Government of the United Kingdom Time Allocation: 4 periods Focal Points: the formation of the government; the Monarch; Parliament; the Prime Minister; the Cabinet. Focus questions: 1. What is the central government made up of? (The monarch, Parliament, and the cabinet) 2. What are the three branches of the English parliament? (The Monarch, the House of Lords, and the House of Commons) 3. What are the five titles of nobility? (Duke, Marquees, Earl, Viscount and Baron) 4. Who chooses the members of the British Cabinet? (Prime Minister) 5. In which place are Kings and Queens crowned? (Westminster Abbey) 6. Where is the Monarch’s residence in London? (Buckingham Palace) 7. What’s the meaning of “parliament”? (A place for argument and debate) 8. When was the parliamentary system instituted in Britain? (in the 13th century) 9. What is the chairman of the House of Commons called? (Speaker) 10.What is the chairman of the House of Lords called? (Lord Chancellor) 11.What is the Cabinet made up of? (The Prime Minister and some other ministers) 12.Who are civil servants? (Government employees) 13.Who are always included in the Cabinet? (The Minister of Defense, the Foreign Secretary and the Chancellor of the Exchequer) 14.How are the Members of Parliament in the House of Commons elected? How are those in the House of Lords selected? Introduction to the System of Government To know the political systems of the UK,first of all, we should be clear about the definition of “government”. What is “government”? Government is a political organization comprising the individuals and institutions authorized to formulate public policies and conduct affairs of state