4. Goods on sale are not necessarily inferior in quality to those sold at normal prices. 5.On the surface,primates are the suitable candidate for xenotransplants,but the same viruses that infect monkeys and apes are very likely to infect humans. 6.The host had expected thirty guests but finally more than forty showed up at the party. 7.Bad habits are easy to make but difficult to break. 8.Experts in education disregard boys'assertiveness as the only reason for classroom sexism. Unit 3,Book 4 Unit 3, Book 4 4. Goods on sale are not necessarily poorer in quality than those sold at normal prices. 5. Primates are seemingly the suitable candidate for xenotransplants, but the same viruses that infect monkeys and apes are very likely to infect humans. 6. The host had expected thirty guests but finally more than forty arrived at the party. 7. Bad habits are easy to make but difficult to eliminate. 8. Experts in education do not think boys' assertiveness is the only reason for classroom sexism. On the surface, primates are the suitable candidate for showed up at the party. Bad habits are easy to make but difficult to break. Experts in education disregard boys' assertiveness as the only reason for classroom sexism. Goods on sale are not necessarily inferior in quality to those sold at normal prices
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