.590 北京科技大学学报 2006年第6期 感器后逐步增大并在位移d>0.6m时恢复到无 4 小车干扰时的输出水平.当小车由东往西逐渐靠 结论 近AMR传感器时,传感器y敏感轴输出先是减 研制了一种基于各向异性磁阻(AMR)传感 小,在位移约为一0.3m处时达到最小值(约为 器的车辆探测器原型,车辆探测器由三维AMR 一1.0×10-5T);随后快速增大,在小车处于 传感器及相应的信号处理电路组成,当车辆驶过 AMR传感器上方(位移在-0.1~0.1m间)时基 探测器时,三维AMR传感器输出将检测到由于 本恢复到无小车干扰时的输出水平:在此之后继 车辆的存在所将引起的周围磁场分布的变化,根 续增大,在位移约为0.3m处增大到最大值(约为 据这一变化可判断周围空间内车辆的存在与否. 1.2×10-5T):然后减小,随着小车远离AMR传 对该探测器的特性进行的测试结果表明,当车辆 感器,在位移d>1m时传感器输出逐步恢复到 通过探测器上方时输出发生明显变化,利用该探 无小车干扰时的水平,当小车由东往西逐渐靠近 测器可实现铁磁材质车辆的探测.当车辆分别沿 AMR传感器时,传感器z敏感轴输出与x敏感 南北向、东西向通过AMR传感器上方时,传感器 轴输出变化规律基本相反,即在此过程中,传感 输出变化规律不同. 器z敏感轴输出首先增大,在小车处于AMR传 感器上方(位移在一0.2~0.2m间)时具有较大 参考文献 值(约为0.9X10-5T),然后随着小车远离AMR [1]Kang M H.Choi B W.Koh K C.et al.Experimental study of a vehicle detector with an AMR sensor.Sens Actuators A. 传感器,在位移d>0.6m时传感器输出逐步减 2005,118(2):278 小并恢复到无小车干扰时的水平,当小车由西往 [2]谢小军,张绍阳.机动车辆磁像识别技术在交通控制中的 东运动时,在距传感器相同位置处,传感器输出与 应用.现代电子技术,2003(3):86 由东往西时相同 [3]Caruso M J.Withanawasam LS.Vehicle detection and com- pass applications using AMR magnetic sensors.Sens Expo 从实验结果可以看出,当铁磁材质的车辆通 Prme,1999,477 过AMR传感器上方时,传感器输出发生明显变 [4]Platil A.Kubik J.Vopalensky M.et al.Precise AMR magne- tometer for compass-Proc IEEE Sens.2003,1:472 化,但沿着不同的敏感轴方向传感器输出变化的 [5]Caruso M J.Bratland T,Smith C H.et al.A new perspective 情况不尽相同.另外,当车辆分别沿南北向、东西 on magnetic sensing.Sensors (USA).1998.15(12):34 向通过AMR传感器上方时,传感器输出变化规 [6]Li X,Wang S.Improvement of boxcar integrator and its ap- 律也不同,这种现象与文献[5]中车辆从传感器侧 plication to low resistance measurement of inductive coil.J U- niv Sci Technol Beijing.1998.5(3):180 面通过时的结果不同,多次实验表明,当铁磁材 [7]Li X.Nakamura K.Ueha S.Reflectivity and illuminating 质小车通过传感器上方时均能正确识别, power compensation for optical fibre vibrometer.Meas Sci Technol,2004,15(9):1773 [8]金基灿,王绍纯,采用单片机的同步外差相敏检波器,北 京科技大学学报,1994,16(5):469 Application of A MR sensors to vehicle detection LI Xisheng,YU Guanghud?) 1)Information Engineering School.University of Science and Technology Beijing.Beijing 100083,China 2)Materials Science and Engineering School.University of Science and Technology Beijing.Beijing 100083.China ABSTRACI A vehicle detector with an anisotropic magnetoresistive (AMR)sensor was developed.The vehicle detector consisted of a three-axis AMR sensor and related signal processing circuit.When a vehicle was moving over the detector,the surrounding magnetic field changed due to vehicle disturbance,and the output of the three-axis AMR sensor changed accordingly.Whether a vehicle was present or not could be judged based on the AMR sensor's output.The detector's characteristic was tested.When the vehicle be- ing detected was moving over the detector along different directions(south-north,east-west),the output changes were different.The results show that this detector can realize the function of vehicle detection. KEY WORDS AMR sensor;vehicle detection;magnetic resistance;geomagnetic field感器后逐步增大并在位移 d>0∙6m 时恢复到无 小车干扰时的输出水平.当小车由东往西逐渐靠 近 AMR 传感器时传感器 y 敏感轴输出先是减 小在位移约为—0∙3m 处时达到最小值(约为 —1∙0×10—5 T );随后快速增大在小车处于 AMR 传感器上方(位移在—0∙1~0∙1m 间)时基 本恢复到无小车干扰时的输出水平;在此之后继 续增大在位移约为0∙3m 处增大到最大值(约为 1∙2×10—5 T);然后减小随着小车远离 AMR 传 感器在位移 d>1m 时传感器输出逐步恢复到 无小车干扰时的水平.当小车由东往西逐渐靠近 AMR 传感器时传感器 z 敏感轴输出与 x 敏感 轴输出变化规律基本相反.即在此过程中传感 器 z 敏感轴输出首先增大在小车处于 AMR 传 感器上方(位移在—0∙2~0∙2m 间)时具有较大 值(约为0∙9×10—5 T)然后随着小车远离 AMR 传感器在位移 d>0∙6m 时传感器输出逐步减 小并恢复到无小车干扰时的水平.当小车由西往 东运动时在距传感器相同位置处传感器输出与 由东往西时相同. 从实验结果可以看出当铁磁材质的车辆通 过 AMR 传感器上方时传感器输出发生明显变 化但沿着不同的敏感轴方向传感器输出变化的 情况不尽相同.另外当车辆分别沿南北向、东西 向通过 AMR 传感器上方时传感器输出变化规 律也不同这种现象与文献[5]中车辆从传感器侧 面通过时的结果不同.多次实验表明当铁磁材 质小车通过传感器上方时均能正确识别. 4 结论 研制了一种基于各向异性磁阻(AMR)传感 器的车辆探测器原型.车辆探测器由三维 AMR 传感器及相应的信号处理电路组成.当车辆驶过 探测器时三维 AMR 传感器输出将检测到由于 车辆的存在所将引起的周围磁场分布的变化根 据这一变化可判断周围空间内车辆的存在与否. 对该探测器的特性进行的测试结果表明当车辆 通过探测器上方时输出发生明显变化利用该探 测器可实现铁磁材质车辆的探测.当车辆分别沿 南北向、东西向通过 AMR 传感器上方时传感器 输出变化规律不同. 参 考 文 献 [1] Kang M HChoi B WKoh K Cet al.Experimental study of a vehicle detector with an AMR sensor.Sens Actuators A 2005118(2):278 [2] 谢小军张绍阳.机动车辆磁像识别技术在交通控制中的 应用.现代电子技术2003(3):86 [3] Caruso M JWithanawasam L S.Vehicle detection and compass applications using AMR magnetic sensors.Sens Expo Proc1999:477 [4] Platil AKubik JVopalensky Met al.Precise AMR magnetometer for compass.Proc IEEE Sens20031:472 [5] Caruso M JBratland TSmith C Het al.A new perspective on magnetic sensing.Sensors (USA)199815(12):34 [6] Li XWang S.Improvement of boxcar integrator and its application to low resistance measurement of inductive coil.J Univ Sci Technol Beijing19985(3):180 [7] Li XNakamura KUeha S.Reflectivity and illuminating power compensation for optical fibre vibrometer.Meas Sci Technol200415(9):1773 [8] 金基灿王绍纯.采用单片机的同步外差相敏检波器.北 京科技大学学报199416(5):469 Application of AMR sensors to vehicle detection LI Xisheng 1)Y U Guanghua 2) 1) Information Engineering SchoolUniversity of Science and Technology BeijingBeijing100083China 2) Materials Science and Engineering SchoolUniversity of Science and Technology BeijingBeijing100083China ABSTRACT A vehicle detector with an anisotropic magnetoresistive (AMR) sensor was developed.The vehicle detector consisted of a three-axis AMR sensor and related signal processing circuit.When a vehicle was moving over the detectorthe surrounding magnetic field changed due to vehicle disturbanceand the output of the three-axis AMR sensor changed accordingly.Whether a vehicle was present or not could be judged based on the AMR sensor’s output.The detector’s characteristic was tested.When the vehicle being detected was moving over the detector along different directions (south-northeast-west)the output changes were different.The results show that this detector can realize the function of vehicle detection. KEY WORDS AMR sensor;vehicle detection;magnetic resistance;geomagnetic field ·590· 北 京 科 技 大 学 学 报 2006年第6期