现代英语口语表示法500例( Evelyn录入) ★18☆ weather the storm度过难关 suit.oaT对…再适合不过了 The wooden house weathered the storm This new job suits me yo a T · harp on the same old string老调重弹 turn the tables扭转局势 He really gets on my nerves. He always harps on the same Don't worry, your husband knows how to turn the tables and crack by promising us a paid holiday but he never keeps it. down on those guys. · have someone dancing on a string任意摆布某人 drink someone under the table把某人灌醉 Betty is a housewife and no income. Her husband has her dacing on a He has a hollow leg. He can drink all of us here under the table · keep tabs on something/someone掌握情况密切关注 pull strings for someone为某人走后门,幕后操作 He has subscribed ten newspapers in order to keep tabs on the new In the material world, money pulls the strings developments in market management be stuck on someone迷恋上某人 keep someone down a notch挫某人的微气 Tom was stuck on the girl at the first meeting although it was a blind The monitor likes to order us around. He needs to be kept down a date notch to sweet-talk someone into( out of) doing…甜言鳌语地让某 Take it out on someone拿别人出气 人做(不做)… The boy was reprimanded by his father. He took it out on his ball The accountant sweet-talked the boss out of checking her account. · An old wives'tale无稽之谈 be in full swing达到高潮,全面展开 Do you think the existence of life on Mars is an old wives'tale? le outside world for twenty years Reforms in every walks of life are in full swing Be the talk of the town满城风雨 The death of the princess diana has been the talk of the town be asleep at the switch玩忽职守 The goal-keeper was asleep at the switch and let the rival team goal at eave a bad taste in someone' s mouth给人留下坏印象 the last minute Once I went to a famous university. But the untidy campus left a bad现代英语口语表示法 500 例(Evelyn 录入) ☆ 18 ☆ • weather the storm 度过难关 The wooden house weathered the storm. • harp on the same old string 老调重弹 He really gets on my nerves. He always harps on the same old string by promising us a paid holiday., but he never keeps it. • have someone dancing on a string 任意摆布某人 Betty is a housewife and no income. Her husband has her dacing on a string. • pull strings for someone 为某人走后门,幕后操作 In the material world, money pulls the strings. • be stuck on someone 迷恋上某人 Tom was stuck on the girl at the first meeting although it was a blind date. • to sweet-talk someone into(out of ) doing...甜言蜜语地让某 人做(不做)…… The accountant sweet-talked the boss out of checking her account. • be in full swing 达到高潮,全面展开 China has opened its door to the outside world for twenty years. Reforms in every walks of life are in full swing. • be asleep at the switch 玩忽职守 The goal-keeper was asleep at the switch and let the rival team goal at the last minute. • suit...to a T 对……再适合不过了 This new job suits me yo a T. • turn the tables 扭转局势 Don't worry, your husband knows how to turn the tables and crack down on those guys. • drink someone under the table 把某人灌醉 He has a hollow leg. He can drink all of us here under the table. • keep tabs on something/someone 掌握情况,密切关注 He has subscribed ten newspapers in order to keep tabs on the new developments in market management. • keep someone down a notch 挫某人的傲气 The monitor likes to order us around. He needs to be kept down a notch. • Take it out on someone 拿别人出气 The boy was reprimanded by his father. He took it out on his ball. • An old wives’ tale 无稽之谈 Do you think the existence of life on Mars is an old wives’ tale? • Be the talk of the town 满城风雨 The death of the Princess Diana has been the talk of the town. • Leave a bad taste in someone’s mouth 给人留下坏印象 Once I went to a famous university. But the untidy campus left a bad taste in my mouth
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