Physical Chemistry Real gases s Condensation T<374 H gas condenses to liquid when P↑ HO T=3000C R( vapor)→S( (satura G ted vapor),P个↑,V 4000C es(saturated N 374°C vapor)W(saturated L/ 3000C quid,P→>,W↓ li L+V 2000 →W( saturated K liquid)→>Y( liquid), P↑V Isotherms ofh,oIsotherms of H2O P Vm 400 oC U R J N Y 374 oC 300 oC 200 oC H2O L + V L V L G H T S K M W Condensation T < 374 oC gas condenses to liquid when P T = 300 oC R(vapor)→S(satura ted vapor), P, V S(saturated vapor)→W(saturated liquid), P→, V  W(saturated liquid)→Y(liquid), P , V Physical Chemistry Real Gases
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