ASSURE Classroom Case Study The ASSURE Classroom Case Study for this chapter describes the instructiona strategies used by teachers Lindsay Kaiser and Jena Marshall,who co-teach a fifth-grade social studies ass at a school ina middle-income rural The students read at or above grade level and are experienced users of a variety of technology applications.Each student is equipped with a laptop with high- .The teachers are challenged by the students'lack of interest in U.S.history and try to address this concern by engaging students in a variety of activities about the Lewis and Clark expedition.A key activity includes designing a boat that could have been used by Lewis and Clark The lessor begins with student pairs completing an interactive Lewis and Clark WebQuest to earn about the expedition and variousboat issues"they faced.To assist with the boat design,students conduct Internet searches to expand on information learne from the WebQuest.Students create an advertisement to sell their boat and write a letter to the president of a boat manufacturing company toseek interes in reproducing the Lewis and Clark boat.The students with the best design will receive an award. To view the ASSURE Classroom Case Study Video for this chapter,go to the MyEducationKit for your text and click on the ASSURE Video under Chapter 4to explore howMs.Kaisernd Ms.Marshall use strategies,technology media,and materials to achieve 21st century learning environments. Throughout the chapter you will find refiection questions to relate the chapter content to the ASSURE Classroom Case Study At theend of the chapter you myeducationkit will be challenged to develop your own ASSURE lesson that incorporates use of these strategies,technology media,and materials,for a topic and grade level o your choice
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