rigoris Antoniou and Frank van Harmelen <rdf: Description rdf: ID=949352"> <rdf: type rdf: resource="#academicStaffMember"/> <academicStaffMember rdf: ID=949352"/ e can also provide further details, such <academicStaffMember rdf: ID=949352> uni:age rdf: datatype="&xsd; integer">39<uni: age> Unlike typical database systems, OWl does not that does not imply that they are indeed different inc =(m if we state that each course is taught by at most one one staff member <owl: ObjectProperty rdf: ID=isTaughtBy> <rdf: type rdf: resource=&owl; FunctionalProperty"/: </ nd we subsequently state that a given course is taught by two staff m <course rdf about="CIT1111> tBy rdf: resource=94931 this does not cause an OWl reasoner to fag an error. After all, the system could validly infer that the resources"949318and949352"are apparent equal. To ensure that different individuals are indeed recognised as such, we must explicitly assert their inequality <lecturer rdf: about=949318"> <owl: differentFrom rdf: resource=949352> </lecturer> Because such inequality statements occur frequently, and the required number of such statements would explode if we wanted to state the inequality f a large number of individuals, owl provides a shorthand notation to assert he pairwise inequality of all individuals in a given list <owl: allDifferent> <owl: distinctMembers rdf: parseType=Collection> <lecturer rdf: about=949318> <lecturer rdf: about=949352> <lecturer rdf: about= 949111> </owl: allDifferent>14 Grigoris Antoniou and Frank van Harmelen <rdf:Description rdf:ID="949352"> <rdf:type rdf:resource="#academicStaffMember"/> </rdf:Description> or equivalently: <academicStaffMember rdf:ID="949352"/> We can also provide further details, such as: <academicStaffMember rdf:ID="949352"> <uni:age rdf:datatype="&xsd;integer">39<uni:age> </academicStaffMember> Unlike typical database systems, OWL does not adopt the unique names assumption, thus: just because two instances have a different name (or: ID), that does not imply that they are indeed different individuals. For example, if we state that each course is taught by at most one one staff member: <owl:ObjectProperty rdf:ID="isTaughtBy"> <rdf:type rdf:resource="&owl;FunctionalProperty" /> </owl:ObjectProperty> and we subsequently state that a given course is taught by two staff mem￾bers: <course rdf:about="CIT1111"> <isTaughtBy rdf:resource="949318"> <isTaughtBy rdf:resource="949352"> </course> this does not cause an OWL reasoner to flag an error. After all, the system could validly infer that the resources "949318" and "949352" are apparently equal. To ensure that different individuals are indeed recognised as such, we must explicitly assert their inequality: <lecturer rdf:about="949318"> <owl:differentFrom rdf:resource="949352"> </lecturer> Because such inequality statements occur frequently, and the required number of such statements would explode if we wanted to state the inequality of a large number of individuals, OWL provides a shorthand notation to assert the pairwise inequality of all individuals in a given list: <owl:allDifferent> <owl:distinctMembers rdf:parseType="Collection"> <lecturer rdf:about="949318"> <lecturer rdf:about="949352"> <lecturer rdf:about="949111"> </owl:distinctMembers> </owl:allDifferent>
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