Regression splines (parametric) Smoothing splines (nonparametric The truncated power basis o The set of basis functions introduced earlier is an example of what is called the truncated power basis o Its logic is easily extended to splines of order m: hj(c)=x3-1j=1..,m hm+k(c)=(z-5k)P-11=1,,K o Note that a spline has m+K degrees of freedom Patrick Breheny STA 621:Nonparametric StatisticsIntroduction Regression splines (parametric) Smoothing splines (nonparametric) The truncated power basis The set of basis functions introduced earlier is an example of what is called the truncated power basis Its logic is easily extended to splines of order m: hj (x) = x j−1 j = 1, . . . , m hm+k(x) = (x − ξk) m−1 + l = 1, . . . , K Note that a spline has m + K degrees of freedom Patrick Breheny STA 621: Nonparametric Statistics
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