(一)目的与要求 1.In this chapte e examine the costs of both inflation and unemployment,and consider some ofthe policy questions that are raised by the tradeoff between them. 2.We also look very carefully at the"anatomy of unemployment-the different types of and reasons for unemployment;the difference between unemployment with high frequency and with high duration:and the effect of age distribution and of other lemographic and policy considerations on the natural rate (二)教学内容 1.主要内容 1)The Anatomy of Unemployment 2)Full Employment 3)The Costs of Unemployment 4)The Costs of Inflation 5)Inflation and Indexation:Inflation-Proofing the Economy 6)Isa Little Inflation Good for the Econ my 7)The Political Economy of Inflation and Unemployment 2,基本概念和知识点 sacrifice ratio reservation wage Okun's law insider-outsider theory labor force employment stability natural rate of unemployment experience rating unemployed person reporting effects unemployment pool indexation frictional unemployment cost-of-living adjustment(COLA) cyclical unemployment political business cycle duration of unemploymen misery index search unemployment sacrifice ratio frequency of unemploymen imperfectly anticipated inflation unemployment hysteresis unanticipated inflation replacement ratic labor market turnover perfectly anticipated inflation 3.问题与应用(能力要求) 1)students should be aware that there are large variations in the unemployment rate across different groups in the labor force. 2)Students should be aware that there is high turnover in the labor market (often cyclical in nature)consisting of flows in and out of the labor pool 3)Students should understand the importance of duration and frequency of13 (一) 目的与要求 1. In this chapter we examine the costs of both inflation and unemployment, and consider some of the policy questions that are raised by the tradeoff between them. 2.We also look very carefully at the “anatomy” of unemployment⎯the different types of and reasons for unemployment; the difference between unemployment with high frequency and with high duration; and the effect of age distribution, and of other demographic and policy considerations on the natural rate. (二) 教学内容 1. 主要内容 1)The Anatomy of Unemployment 2)Full Employment 3)The Costs of Unemployment 4)The Costs of Inflation 5)Inflation and Indexation: Inflation-Proofing the Economy 6)Is a Little Inflation Good for the Economy? 7)The Political Economy of Inflation and Unemployment 2.基本概念和知识点 sacrifice ratio Okun’s law labor force natural rate of unemployment unemployed person unemployment pool frictional unemployment cyclical unemployment duration of unemployment search unemployment frequency of unemployment unemployment hysteresis replacement ratio reservation wage insider-outsider theory employment stability experience rating reporting effects indexation cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) political business cycle misery index sacrifice ratio imperfectly anticipated inflation unanticipated inflation labor market turnover perfectly anticipated inflation 3. 问题与应用(能力要求) 1)Students should be aware that there are large variations in the unemployment rate across different groups in the labor force. 2)Students should be aware that there is high turnover in the labor market (often cyclical in nature) consisting of flows in and out of the labor pool. 3)Students should understand the importance of duration and frequency of
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