Logistic Regression: Options Statistics and Plots Continue Classification plots Correlations of estimates Hosmer-Lemeshow goodness-of-fit Iteration history Cancel Casewise listing of residuals CI for exp(B):95 % Help G Outliers outside std,dev C All cases Display C At each step C At last step Probability for Stepwise Classification cutoff: Entry: Remoyal:.10 Maximum Iterations: 20 v Include constant in model 好,根据我们的目的,应变量为Y,而X1X5为自变量,具体的分析操作如 下 1. Analyze==》 Regression==》 Binary logistic 2. Dependent框:选入Y 3. Covariates框:选入x1x5 4.OK钮:单击 10.3.2结果解释 Logistic regression Case Processing Summary Selected Cases Included in Analysis 1000 Missing Cases 1000 Unselected Cases a Mwe ItE h enect see cbs maui tbe tr te ttl imber ofcaset 上表为记录处理情况汇总,即有多少例记录被纳入了下面的分析,可见此处 因不存在缺失值,26条记录均纳入了分析。好,根据我们的目的,应变量为 Y,而 X1~X5 为自变量,具体的分析操作如 下: 1. Analyze==》Regression==》Binary Logistic... 2. Dependent 框:选入 Y 3. Covariates 框:选入 x1~x5 4. OK 钮:单击 10.3.2 结果解释 Logistic Regression 上表为记录处理情况汇总,即有多少例记录被纳入了下面的分析,可见此处 因不存在缺失值,26 条记录均纳入了分析
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