美国空管软件 September 14, 2004 Without warning, at about 5 p. m. PDT, air traffic controllers lost contact with about 400 airplanes they were tracking over the southwestem US. A backup system that was supposed to take over in such an event crashed within a minute after it was turned on. KLH1033 B732 PH-BXE UPS6944 UPS6931 CeEHAM-EGLL 原因是 HO-REG 、ABN6293=-10- 空管软 CFZJA CGTBP B7576718g DAL1898 ARN8716 件时钟 GBKB HSA90 FKH 缺陷 B757N5128237c+1818 AHT4625 NR210 H0-REG 34mH774 81 -GZHS B767 N642UA UAE95 B767彬643U EGEL-KIAH原因是 空管软 件时钟 缺陷 美国空管软件