xiv CONTENTS. PAGE 11.Divergence of the Results obtained from Pambour's Assumption 251 812. Determination of the work done during one stroke,taking into consideration the imperfections already noticed 252 $18.Pressure of Steam in the Cylinder during the different Stages of the Process and corresponding Simplifications of the Equations 255 $14.Substitution of the Volume for the corresponding Tempera- ture in certain cases 257 $15.Work per Unit-weight of Steam.. 259 s16. Treatment of the Equations. 259 17.Determination ofand of the product Tg 260 dt $18.Introduction of other measures of Pressure and Heat 261 s19. Determination of the temperatures Ta and 7,·· 262 §20. Determination of c and r. 264 §21. Special Form of Equation(32)for an Engine working without expansion、· 265 s22. Numerical values of the constants 267 $23.The least possible value of V and the corresponding amount of Work 268 824. Calculation of the work for other valuea of 269 §25. Work done for a given value of V by an engine with expansion 271 省26. Summary of various cases relating to the working of the engine 273 827. Work done per unit of heat delivered from the Source of Heat 274 528. Friction 275 §29. General investigation of the action of Thermo-Dynamic Engines and of its relation to a Cyelieal Process 276 30.Equations for the work done during any cyclical process 279 831. Application of the above equations to the limiting case in which the Cyclical Process in a Steam-Engine is reversible 281 832. Another form of the last expression 282 33. Influence of the temperature of the Source of Heat 284 534. Example of the application of the Method of Subtraction .286 CHAPTER XIL. ON THE CONCENTRATION OF RAYS OF LIGHT AND HEAT,AND ON THE LIMITS OF IT8 ACTION. 1.Object of the investigation. 293 I.Reasons why the ordinary method of determining the mutual radiation of two surfaces does not extend to the present Cn80. 296 $2.Limitation of the treatment to perfectly black bodies and to homogeneous and unpolarized rays of heat 296 $3.Kirchhoff's Formula for the mutual radiation of two Elements of 8 nrface,· ·297 $4.Indeterminateness of the Formula in the case of the Concen. tration of ray8.· .300 poiredvGOOgleXlV § 11. § 12. § 18. § 14. § 15. § 16. § 17. § 18. § 19. § 20. § 21. § 22. § 28. § 24. § 25. 011 26. § 27. § 28. § 29. § 80. § 81. § 82. § 88. § 84. CONTENTS. PAGB Divergence of the Results obtained from Pambour's Assumption 251 Determination of the work done during one stroke, taking into consideration the imperfections already noticed • • • 252 Pressure of Steam in the Cylinder during the different Stages of the Process and corresponding Simplifications of the Equations • • • • • • • • • • Substitution of the Volume for the corresponding Tempera￾ture in certain cases • • Work per Unit-weight of Steam • Treatment of the Equations Determination of 'i: and of the product Tg Introduction of other measures of Pressure and Heat Determination of the temperatures T. and Ta • Determination of c and r. . . . • . . . Special Form of Equation (82) for an Engine working without expansion • • _ • Numerical values of the constants • • • • • • The least possible value of V and the corresponding amount of Work • • . • • • . Calculation of the work for other values of V. . . • Work done for a given value of V by an engine with expansion. Summary of various cases relating to the working of the engine Work done per unit of heat delivered from the Source of Heat • Friction • • • • • , • • • • • General investigation of the action of Thermo-Dynamic Engines and of its relation to a Cyclical Process. • • • • Equations for the work done during any cyclical process. _ Application of the above equations to the limiting case in which the Cyclical Process in a Steam·Engine is reversible Another form of the last expression. • • Influence of the temperature of the Source of Heat Example of the application of the Method of Subtraction CHAPrER XIL 255 257 259 259 260 261 262 264 265 267 268 269 271 278 274 275 276 279 281 282 284 286 ON THE CONCENTRATION OF RAYS OF LIGHT AND HEAT, AND ON §l. § 2. §8. §4. THE LIMITS OF ITS ACTION. . Object of the investigation. • • • • • • • 298 I. Reasons why the ordinary method of determiniug the mutual radiation of two surfaces does not extend to the present case. • • • • • . • • • • 296 Limitation of the treatment to perfectly black bodies and to homogeneous and unpolarized rays of heat • • • • 296 Kirchhoff's Formula for the mutual radiation of two Elements of surface. • • • • • • • • • • 297 Indeterminateness of the Formula in the ease of the Concen￾tration of rays. 800 Digitized by Coogle
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