10的 Displacement(mm) 50 75 Displacement (mm) a.Static Test PLY2 and Dynamic Test PLY1 a.Static Test OSBI and Dynamic Test OSB3 20 二wni 100 Displ lacement (mm) 100 Displacement (mm) b.Static Test PLY2 and Dynamic Test PLY3 eDynamic Lod Dlaplacement Behavlor for 之袋 b.Static Test OSBI and Dynamic Test OSB4 and Dynamic Load Displacement Behavior for Impact on Shearwall Design Aaleinmhrsigrueturcinscismiergionsdonotrequirea ,h the stati ossibl the qu dimg and wall hav in design tables.The sta tatic for d dy by this pr ure must be transf red throug the slls.F vcling shov vs that f a sta 1n e nrst cycle of for wind an ismic fo It is gen raly cepted that an quivalent static procedure JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING/JUNE 1998/6Downloaded 05 Jan 2009 to Redistribution subject to ASCE license or copyright; see http://pubs.asce.org/copyright