MIT ICAT COMMUNICATION Voice 日VHF( line of sight 118.0-1350Mhz a..025 spacing in US, 0.083 spacing in Europe) UHF ◆230-400Mhz( guess) HF(over the horizon) Optical (secure Datalink Q ACARS (VHF)-VDL Mode 2 Q VDL Modes 3 and 4(split voice and data) Q HF Datalink(China and Selcal Geosynchronous(Inmarsatt ◆ Antenna Requirements LEO and MEo Networks Software radios Antenna RequirementsMIT ICAT COMMUNICATION y Voice VHF (line of sight) 118.0-135.0 Mhz .025 spacing in US, 0.083 spacing in Europe) UHF 230-400 Mhz (guess) HF (over the horizon) Optical (secure) y Datalink ACARS (VHF) - VDL Mode 2 VDL Modes 3 and 4 (split voice and data) HF Datalink (China and Selcal) y Geosynchronous (Inmarsatt) Antenna Requirements y LEO and MEO Networks y Software Radios y Antenna Requirements