310 International ournal of Applied Ceramic Technolog-Nozawa and Tanigawa Vol 7, No 3, 2010 1mm 1mm 1mm 1mm 1mm 500um Fig. 6. Specimen surface images of the single-edge notched bend (SENB) specimen during the tests. UFS of 615 MPa, respectively, regardless of the presence load drop occurred with complete composite breaks. It of initial notch machining. Specifically, it should be em- is apparent that the damage was induced before macro- asized that there seemed no significant size dependency. cracking for NITE-Thick-Coat and PIP-Coat. The NITE-Thin-Coat material contrarily failed in a brittle DNT Test Results manner. Unstable fracture of the DNT specimens was similar to that of standard tensile test results Similar to Figure 9 shows DNT test results for various the SEnB test results, the microcracking load(ppls) SiC composites. At the maximum load applied,a king load (Pmax) normalized by thUFS of B615MPa, respectively, regardless of the presence of initial notch machining. Specifically, it should be em￾phasized that there seemed no significant size dependency. DNT Test Results Figure 9 shows DNT test results for various SiC/ SiC composites. At the maximum load applied, a rapid load drop occurred with complete composite breaks. It is apparent that the damage was induced before macro￾cracking for NITE-Thick-Coat and PIP-Coat. The NITE-Thin-Coat material contrarily failed in a brittle manner. Unstable fracture of the DNT specimens was similar to that of standard tensile test results. Similar to the SENB test results, the microcracking load (PPLS) and the macrocracking load (Pmax) normalized by the Fig. 6. Specimen surface images of the single-edge notched bend (SENB) specimen during the tests. 310 International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology—Nozawa and Tanigawa Vol. 7, No. 3, 2010
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