3.But this is unwarranted in an urban civilization. unwarranted+(interference/intrusion/ 但是这在城市文明 criticism,etc.)without good reason, 中是站不住脚的。 not with just cause e.g.He accused the police of using unwarranted brutality. 3.a.The company director claimed such criticism was unwarranted and unjust. b.Such fears are completely unwarranted now. c.The white,male supremacy in the West is totally unwarranted in today's civilized world. Unit 3,Book 43. But this is unwarranted in an urban civilization. 但是这在城市文明 中是站不住脚的。 unwarranted + (interference/intrusion/ criticism, etc.) without good reason, not with just cause e.g. He accused the police of using unwarranted brutality. 3. a. The company director claimed such criticism was unwarranted and unjust. b. Such fears are completely unwarranted now. c. The white, male supremacy in the West is totally unwarranted in today's civilized world. Unit 3, Book 4
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