378 Chapter 10 Stress andWorker Well-Being malfunctioning office equipment (such as the infamous printer that everyone hated in the movie Office Space).A meta-analysis of 183 samples showed negative relationships between hindrance-related stressors and both job satisfaction and organizational commitment:it showed positive relationships between hindrance-related stressors and turnover and other withdrawal behaviors.Relationships with challenge-related stressors were generally the opposite:They showed positive relationships with job satisfaction and organizational com. mitment and negative relationships with turnover(Podsakoff,LePine,LePine,2007). A subsequent meta-analysis found that hindrance stressors were associated with a signifi- cant reduction in both compliance with safety rules and participation in safety activities at work(Clarke,2012). Consequences of Stress TABLE 10.2 Consequences of Stress The link between occupational stress and negative health outcomes among employees is clear (Cooper et al.,2001;De Jonge Dormann, Physical/Medical/Physiological 2006).The negative consequences of chronic stress can be divided Heart disease and stroke into three categories:behavioral,psychological,and physiological (see Table 10.2). Digestiveproblems Back pain and arthritis Headaches Behavioral Consequences of Stress Increased blood pressure and heart rate Productnof Stress Hormones (adreie, Among the behavioral consequences of stress are absenteeism, noradrenaline,comsol) accidents,alcohol and drug abuse,poor job performance,and coun- terproductive behaviors including workplace violence (Kahn& Boysiere,1992).We will focus on the effects of stressors on three par. Psycholegicnl ticularly important behavioral outcomes:(1)information processing. Burout which affects a variety of other critical work outcomes;(2)job per- Depression formance,which can include information processing but often Anxiety involves a global measure of effectiveness;and(3)counterproductive Famly problems work behaviors. Sleep problems lob dissatisfaction Information Processing Beboviongl The influence of stress on information processing has been widely investigated.Chronic stress has detrimental effects on memory,reac- Absence tion times,accuracy,and performance of a variety of tasks (Smith, Lateness 1990).In addition,individuals under stress often have difficulty focus. Drug.alchol,and tobacoabuse ing their attention.Stress leads to premature reactions to stimuli. Acodents restricted use of relevant cues,and increased errors on cognitive tasks Sabotageviolence (Svenson Maule,1993). Poor decsion making/infommation processing Because each of us has limited cognitive resources,stressful situa- tions that restrict such resources will impair our ability to cope with the lb performance task at hand.Stress is also associated with lower creativity and poorer Tumover decision making.particularly under time pressure(Rastegary Landy, 1993).For example,fast-food delivery drivers commonly have acci. Sear:Quick IC.Quck J D.Nebon.D L.Humed 1I dents during the rush period for deliveries(usually Friday nights 初.e地tsn4 nagemmnt情学n应a酒 WashingtonC:Amencan Pychologcal Association1997 by between 5:00 p.m.and 9:00 p.m.).They often report never seeing the object (eg,car,truck.jogger,motorcycle)whose path they turned of the publinher across.They simply did not "process"that information when they
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