社会学研究 2003年第4期 单亲主体的福利:中国的解释模型 徐安琪 张结海 Abstract:Of the traditional economic resources and welfare,focusing on physical and mental health,pressure of parenthood and interpersonal adaptation,through a questionnaire survey of 500 intact families and 440 single parent families,this research found that the overall level of SWB of single parent is significantly lower than that of intact family.Further findings evealed that single parent's level of SWB was much lower not in satisfaction for material life but in parenthood pressure and negative emotions and moods.Analysis of regression model showed that the side (person)applying for a divorce had a higher level of SWB than the side unwilling to divorce or widowed single parent did.As expected,life events (xiagang or unemployment,frustration in career)had a major effect on SWB for both single parent families and intact families.There was a positive correlation between income and SWB level.These single parents who saw frustration as life experience were more likely to have higher level of satisfaction and adjustment.There was negative comelation between social prejudice against single parents and their SWB.In contrast,there was positive comrelation between social support and single parent's SWB.In contract with the findings in eastem countries,there was no significant difference between single fathers and single mothers. 自20世纪70年代末以来,中国的离婚率持续上升,2000年的离婚数已达121万对,占当年平均人 口数的0.96%,”粗离婚率在20年中增长了近3倍。尽管众多的单亲家长将再婚,但全国每年100多万 对夫妻离婚所形成的单亲家庭无疑呈上升趋势(加上因一方丧偶形成的单亲家庭则更多)。单亲家庭的 递增不仅使当事人面临经济和情绪等方面的压力,而且也程度不同地殃及孩子,尤其在离婚、单亲依然 被贴上负面标签的中国。而经济转型期的资源重新分配明显地向年轻人、高学历和高技能者倾斜,承载 亲职重负和社会世俗压力的单亲者往往面临福利水平下降、心理和社会适应困扰加剧而成为弱势群体 或弱势地位更加突现。由于与此相关的问题并未引起国内学术界及有关职能部门的足够重视尤其是 这方面的经验研究基本属于空白,因此,本课题的设立具有重要的理论和实践意义。 一、文献综述 单亲家庭的福利受到多方面因素的影响,既有宏观的、微观的,也有静态的、动态的。从宏观讲有法 律、政策层面的,也有社会文化层面的:微观和个体层面的影响有人际网络、收入和性别等因素。同时从 动态的角度看,主观福利水平由于和适应有着密切的关系,而适应又和时间紧密相连,因此时间也成为 影响单亲主体福利水平的重要因素之一。 (一)文化价值观 大多数社会对单亲家庭持负面态度,将单亲家庭看作是一种非常态的家庭形式(Wattereng& 本研究获上海市哲学社会科学规划课题基金(批准号01BSH008)及上海社会科学院重大课题基金(批准号0IB)的支持. ① 根据民政部计划财务司编缴民政统计历史资料汇》(中国财政经济出版社。988),国家统计局人口统计司等编《中华人民共和 国人口统计资料汇编》(中国财经经济出版社.198)以及国家统计局编《中国统计年鉴》(中国统计出版社.2001)的有关资料计 算。 1-015 China Academie Joural Electroni Publishing House.All rights reserved.htp:/nkinet单亲主体的福利 :中国的解释模型 * 徐安琪 张结海 Abstract:Of the traditional economic resources and welfare , focusing on physical and mental health , pressure of parenthood and interpersonal adaptation , through a questionnaire survey of 500 intact families and 440 single parent families, this research found that the overall level of SWB of single parent is significantly lower than that of intact family .Further findings revealed that single parent' s level of SWB was much lower not in satisfaction for material life but in parenthood pressure and negative emotions and moods .Analysis of regression model showed that the side (person)applying for a divorce had a higher level of SWB than the side unwilling to divorce or widowed single parent did .As expected , life events (xiagang or unemployment , frustration in career)had a major effect on SWB for both single parent families and intact families .There was a positive correlation between income and SWB level .These single parents who saw frustration as life experience were more likely to have higher level of satisfaction and adjustment .There was negative correlation between social prejudice against single parents and their SWB.In contrast , there was positive correlation between social support and single parent' s SWB .In contract with the findings in eastern countries, there was no significant difference between single fathers and single mothers . * 本研究获上海市哲学社会科学规划课题基金(批准号 01BSH008)及上海社会科学院重大课题基金(批准号 0103)的支持。 ① 根据民政部计划财务司编《民政统计历史资料汇编》(中国财政经济出版社, 1988)、国家统计局人口统计司等编《中华人民共和 国人口统计资料汇编》(中国财经经济出版社, 1988)以及国家统计局编《中国统计年鉴》(中国统计出版社, 2001)的有关资料计 算。 自20 世纪 70 年代末以来, 中国的离婚率持续上升 , 2000 年的离婚数已达 121 万对 ,占当年平均人 口数的0.96 ‰, ①粗离婚率在20 年中增长了近 3 倍。尽管众多的单亲家长将再婚 ,但全国每年100 多万 对夫妻离婚所形成的单亲家庭无疑呈上升趋势(加上因一方丧偶形成的单亲家庭则更多)。单亲家庭的 递增不仅使当事人面临经济和情绪等方面的压力 ,而且也程度不同地殃及孩子, 尤其在离婚、单亲依然 被贴上负面标签的中国。而经济转型期的资源重新分配明显地向年轻人、高学历和高技能者倾斜 ,承载 亲职重负和社会世俗压力的单亲者往往面临福利水平下降、心理和社会适应困扰加剧而成为弱势群体 或弱势地位更加突现 。由于与此相关的问题并未引起国内学术界及有关职能部门的足够重视, 尤其是 这方面的经验研究基本属于空白, 因此 ,本课题的设立具有重要的理论和实践意义。 一 、文献综述 单亲家庭的福利受到多方面因素的影响 ,既有宏观的、微观的,也有静态的 、动态的。从宏观讲有法 律、政策层面的 ,也有社会文化层面的;微观和个体层面的影响有人际网络 、收入和性别等因素 。同时从 动态的角度看, 主观福利水平由于和适应有着密切的关系, 而适应又和时间紧密相连 ,因此,时间也成为 影响单亲主体福利水平的重要因素之一 。 (一)文化价值观 大多数社会对单亲家庭持负面态度 , 将单亲家庭看作是一种非常态的家庭形式(Wattereng & 83 社会学研究 2003 年第 4 期
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