SSN1009-2722 Marine Geolo gy Letters 2005,21(8) In recent years, prospecting for subtle trap becomes more and more important, even the most im- portant in the petroleum exploration in China. However it is difficult to find them. In this paper the aut hors try to systematically summarize the best met hods used in the subtle trap exploration according to the present situation of subtle trap researches. Among the metho ds, the combination of sequence stratigrap hy and highresolution seismic detection is emp hasized. We al so discussed difficulties to find subtle traps and the develop ment tendency of subtle trap exploration. We must inaugurate prospecting theory, optimize prospecting approaches, develop research estimation combine various subjects together, and apply new theories and new technolo gies Key words: subtle traps; sequence stratigraphy; highresolution sequence stratigraphy TECTONIC AND RESERVOIR FEATURES OF ANCIENT BURIED HILLS IN GUOJUZIAREA OF JNYANGDEPRESSION HOU Fang-hui'2, LI Sazhong, ZHAN G Zhixun (1 Ocean University of China, Qingdao 266003, China; 2 Qingdao Instit ute of Marine Geology, Qingdao 266071, China), 2005 21(8):242 From detailed analysis, we know that ancient buried hills in Guojuzi area have experienced In- do sinian, Yanshan, and Himalayan movements, and mainly have Nww and nne faults devel- oped; the area mostly consist s of CambriamOrdovician strata that act as the major reservoirs; a large number of normal faults in the strata make it possible to form fault oil-gas pools. Key words ancient buried hill re servoir; Jiyang depression USING SEISMIC WAVES TO STUDY STRATA DISTRIBUTION IN THE LOWER PART OF UPPER PAL EOZOIC IN HANGJINQI AREA ZHANG Lingling LI Gang WaNG Zhong hai, han Jup. (1 The 4th Geophysical Prospecting Team of North China Petroleum Geologic Bureau, Xinxiang 453700, China: 2 Qingdao Institute of Marine Geology, Qingdao 266071, China), 2005, 21(8): 28-30 In Hangjinqi area, the lower part of upper Paleozoic has changed a lot and stratigrap hic thinning- out exist s locally. Because there is few drilling data in the area, it is important for us to use seismic data to study the distribution of Shanxi and Taiy uan For mations in the upper Paleozoic in order to provide fundamental data for the establishment of tectonic interpretation and initial model for res- ervoir inversion Key words seismic waves; stratigrap hic distribution; reservoir prediction; Hangjinqi area; Ordos METHODS OF HEA VY METAL POLL UTION EVAL UATION FOR OFF- SHORE SED MENTS DIN G Xi-gui, YE Siyuan, GAO Zongjun I Shandong University of Science and Technology, Qingdao 266510, China; 2 Qingdao Institute of Marine Geology, Qingdao 266071,Chna),2005,21(8):31-36 The aut hors introduce several met hods to eval uate heavy metal contamination such as geoaccumur- lation index, potential ecolo gical risk index and sediment enrichment factors, and point out the strong points and shortcomings of the method Key words pollutio n eval uation met hod, heavy metal; offshore sediment 201994-2007ChinaAcademicJournalElectronicPublishingHouseAllrightsreservedhttp:/nww.cnkinerISSN 100922722 Marine Geology Letters 2005 ,21 (8) In recent years , prospecting for subtle trap becomes more and more important , even t he most im2 portant in t he petroleum exploration in China. However it is difficult to find them. In this paper , t he aut hors try to systematically summarize t he best met hods used in t he subtle trap exploration according to t he present situation of subtle trap researches. Among t he met hods , t he combination of sequence stratigrap hy and high2resolution seismic detection is emp hasized. We also discussed difficulties to find subtle trap s and t he development tendency of subtle trap exploration. We must inaugurate prospecting theory , optimize prospecting approaches , develop research estimation , combine various subjects together , and apply new t heories and new technologies. Key words : subtle trap s; sequence stratigrap hy ; high2resolution sequence stratigrap hy TECTONIC AND RESERVOIR FEATURES OF ANCIENT BURIED HILLS IN GUOJUZI AREA OF JIYANG DEPRESSION HOU Fang2hui 1 ,2 , L I San2zhong 1 , ZHAN G Zhi2xun 2 (1 Ocean University of China , Qingdao 266003 , China ; 2 Qingdao Institute of Marine Geology , Qingdao 266071 , China) , 2005 , 21 (8) :24227 From detailed analysis , we know t hat ancient buried hills in Guojuzi area have experienced In2 do sinian , Yanshan , and Himalayan movements , and mainly have NWW and NN E faults devel2 oped ; t he area mo stly consists of Cambrian2Ordovician strata t hat act as the major reservoirs; a large number of normal faults in the strata make it possible to form fault oil2gas pools. Key words : ancient buried hill ; reservoir ; Jiyang depression USING SEISMIC WAVES TO STUDY STRATA DISTRIBUTION IN THE LOWER PART OF UPPER PALEOZOIC IN HANGJINQI AREA ZHAN G Ling2ling 1 ,L I Gang 2 ,WAN G Zhong2hai 1 , HAN J un 1 (1 The 4t h Geophysical Prospecting Team of Nort h China Petroleum Geologic Bureau ,Xinxiang 453700 ,China ;2 Qingdao Instit ute of Marine Geology ,Qingdao 266071 ,China) ,2005 ,21 (8) :28230 In Hangjinqi area ,t he lower part of upper Paleozoic has changed a lot ,and stratigrap hic t hinning2 out exists locally.Because there is few drilling data in t he area ,it is important for us to use seismic data to st udy t he distribution of Shanxi and Taiyuan Formations in t he upper Paleozoic in order to provide f undamental data for t he establishment of tectonic interpretation and initial model for res2 ervoir inversion. Key words :seismic waves ;stratigrap hic distribution ;reservoir prediction ; Hangjinqi area ;Ordos METHODS OF HEAVY METAL POLL UTION EVAL UATION FOR OFF2 SHORE SEDIMENTS DIN G Xi2gui 1 ,2 , YE Si2yuan 1 ,2 , GAO Zong2jun 1 (1 Shandong University of Science and Technology , Qingdao 266510 , China ; 2 Qingdao Institute of Marine Geology , Qingdao 266071 , China) , 2005 , 21 (8) :31236 The aut hors introduce several met hods to evaluate heavy metal contamination such as geoaccumu2 lation index , potential ecological risk index and sediment enrichment factors , and point out the strong points and shortcomings of the met hods. Key words : pollution evaluation met hod ; heavy metal ; offshore sediment Ⅱ © 1994-2007 China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House. All rights reserved. http://www.cnki.net
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