Space Policy discussion GPS has proven to be a big winner in the Gulf War. It has also led to an $8 billion industry in GPS receivers and related uses(Never lost by Hertz). The President considering making permanent the policy of offering the signal free to the world and also removing selective availability Break up into groups with each group representing an agency position(DoD, Dot, OSTP, Commerce etc). Articulate to the class the choice the President should make. You should couch your response in terms of the known intent of the president which is to focus on the economy(it's the economy stupid!)Space Policy discussion GPS has proven to be a big winner in the Gulf War. It has also led to an $8 billion industry in GPS receivers and related uses (Never lost by Hertz). The President is considering making permanent the policy of offering the signal free to the world and also removing selective availability. Break up into groups with each group representing an agency position (DoD, DoT, OSTP, Commerce etc). Articulate to the class the choice the President should make. You should couch your response in terms of the known intent of the president which is to focus on the economy (it's the economy stupid!)
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