xiv|Preface Still,we have had to do some pruning for the 4th edi- The new edition also offers an even more generous suite oth the ions of cogni of instructor ancillaries: tive neuros Lecture PowerPoints,new to thisedition,feature re opte aner approa tha ages as well as instructor-only lecture 10u ng th strea A PEG sprovide all the art and pters, The Tes ing the Ne the Tes all the chapters have beer written.Inorder to add Bank includes fve onable sized te to the first five levels of Blo ording 's taxonomy of we had to trim out some of the older rial an the Mind DVD includes exclusive been paid to the chapter's heading and subhead- Norton interviews with leading cognitive ing structure to provide a roadmap to the essential neuroscience researchers on key aspects of how we themes of the chapters. tudy the human mind. The illustrations have been redrawn.The stunning The Cognitive Neuroscience Patient Interviews new art program is designed to facilitate student DVD presents original footage of interviews with understanding,and now includes a "hand-pointer patients suffering from a variety of cognitive and feature that draws students'attention to the most neurological disorders,and bring to life the cogni- tive models,concepts,and research methodologies discussed in the text.Several new videos have been the added for the fourth edition. t the chapter As with each edition,this book has bee nsive ong th eing h as and n re rea om ion of the basic c n.We liv in a al for cognitive .The s of the field is more at the systems level of swift and c d as fol has led us to leave the mo e detailed study of cellular and molecular topics to texts dedicated to these Yry@socrates.berk levels of analysis We have eliminated the chapter on the evolutionan Good reading and learning! perspective and instead have sprinkled discussions of this topic throughout the text. An extensive section on decision-making has been added to the cognitive control chapter. The chapter on emotion has been expanded and includes extensive discussion of the fine interplay between affective and cognitive neurosciences We have added a new c f consciousness,taking on issues su and applications for informingxiv | Preface Still, we have had to do some pruning for the 4th edi￾tion in order to present both the foundations of cogni￾tive neuroscience and the latest the fi eld has to off er; in general, we have opted to take a leaner approach than in previous editions, providing the necessary updates on new developments while streamlining the descriptions of experimental results. Inspired by fee dback fr om our adopters, we have also made some changes to make the text even more user fr iendly. Highlights of the fourth edi￾tion include the following: ■ All the chapters have bee n rewritt en. In order to add new fi ndings but maintain a reasonable sized text, we had to trim out some of the older material and streamline our presentations. Careful att ention has bee n paid to the chapter’s heading and subhead￾ing structure to provide a roadmap to the essential themes of the chapters. ■ Th e illustrations have bee n redrawn. Th e stunning new art program is designed to facilitate student understanding, and now includes a “hand-pointer” feature that draws students’ att ention to the most important fi gure elements. ■ We have added an “anatomical orientation” fi gure at the beginning of each chapter to orient students to the brain regions that will be major players through￾out the chapter. ■ Key points to remember have bee n interspersed aft er major sections throughout the text instead of being stacked at the end of the chapter. ■ Th e chapters on cellular mechanisms and neuro￾anatomy have bee n combined, providing a concise presentation of the basic concepts that are most essential for cognitive neuroscience. Th e focus of the fi eld is more at the systems level of analysis, and this has led us to leave the more detailed study of cellular and molecular topics to texts dedicated to these levels of analysis. ■ We have eliminated the chapter on the evolutionary perspective and instead have sprinkled discussions of this topic throughout the text. ■ An extensive section on decision-making has bee n added to the cognitive control chapter. ■ Th e chapter on emotion has bee n expanded and includes extensive discussion of the fi ne interplay betw ee n aff ective and cognitive neurosciences. ■ We have added a new chapter that tackles the im￾portant, yet elusive problem of consciousness, taking on issues such as fr ee will and how cognitive neuro￾science can have practical applications for informing public policy and the law. Th e new edition also off ers an even more generous suite of instructor ancillaries: ■ Lecture PowerPoints, new to this edition, feature text and images as well as instructor-only lecture notes and suggestions. ■ Art PowerPoints and JPEGs provide all the art and tables fr om the book in easily adaptable formats. ■ Th e Test Bank for Cognitive Neuroscience, Fourth Edition, has bee n developed using the Norton Assessment Guidelines. Each chapter of the Test Bank includes fi ve question ty pes classifi ed according to the fi rst fi ve levels of Bloom’s taxonomy of knowledge ty pes. ■ Th e Studying the Mind DVD includes exclusive Norton interviews with leading cognitive neuroscience researchers on key aspects of how we study the human mind. ■ Th e Cognitive Neuroscience Patient Interviews DVD presents original footage of interviews with patients suff ering fr om a variety of cognitive and neurological disorders, and bring to life the cogni￾tive models, concepts, and research methodologies discussed in the text. Several new videos have bee n added for the fourth edition. As with each edition, this book has required a labo￾rious interactive eff ort among the three of us, along with extensive discussions with our colleagues, our students, and our reviewers. Th e product has benefi ted immeasur￾ably fr om these interactions. Of course we are ready to modify and improve any and all of our work. In our earlier editions, we asked readers to contact us with suggestions and questions, and we do so again. We live in an age where interaction is swift and easy. We are to be found as fol￾lows: gazzaniga@psych.ucsb.edu; mangun@ucdavis.edu; ivry@socrates.berkeley.edu. Good reading and learning! 00i_xviii_Cogneu_4e_FM.indd xiv 8/1/13 1:23 PM
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