Datasets Yelp-200k RelationS(A-B) Number Number Number Avg Degrees ofa of B of (A-B) of a/B User-Business 3610522496191,506 53/8.5 User-Review 36,105191.506191506 5.3/1 User-User 17,06517,065140,344 828.2 Business-Category 22, 496 869 67.940 3/78.2 Business-Star 22,496 9 22.496 1/2,499.6 Business-State 22496 18 22496 1/1,2498 Business-Cit 2,4 15 22,496 1/104.6 Review-Business 191, 506 22, 496 191, 506 18.5 Review-Aspect 191506 955,041595,504.1 Amazon -200k Number Number Number Avg degrees RelationS(A-B) of a of b of(A-B)ofA/B User-Business 5929720.216183.80731/91 User-Review 59,297183807183.807 3.1/1 Business-Category 20,216 682 87,587 4.3/1284 Business-Brand 95.33 2.015 9.533 1/4.7 Review- Business183,80720,216183,807 1/9.1 Review-Aspect1838071079639243/96392Datasets 43
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