同海大学 TONGJI UNIVERSITY Defining the New Private Entrepreneurs different from the tradltlonal landlords In soclo-economically China's agrarian economy polltical- departure from the policy that prohibited private ownership of property from 1949-1978 New closely assoclated with a new commerclal culture-economically culture that values profit and individualism historically a fresh chapter In contemporary Chinese history,the beginning of the Deng Era apart from those who Interwine private Indlvldual shares with a varlety of Private the SOE shares,and the government shares or the "power shares" Are those so-called "private entrepreneurs"who were in fact transferred from the former SOEs true private businessen? 1111 Defining the New Private Entrepreneurs Defining the New Private Entrepreneurs Defining the New Private Entrepreneurs Defining the New Private Entrepreneurs New socio-economically socio-economically socio-economically socio-economically different from the traditional landlords in different from the traditional landlords in different from the traditional landlords in different from the traditional landlords in China's agrarian economy China's agrarian economy China's agrarian economy China's agrarian economy political- political- political- political￾economically economically economically economically departure from the policy that prohibited departure from the policy that prohibited departure from the policy that prohibited departure from the policy that prohibited private ownership of property from 1949-1978 private ownership of property from 1949-1978 private ownership of property from 1949-1978 private ownership of property from 1949-1978 culture-economically culture-economically culture-economically culture-economically closely associated with a new commercial closely associated with a new commercial closely associated with a new commercial closely associated with a new commercial culture that values profit and individualism culture that values profit and individualism culture that values profit and individualism culture that values profit and individualism historically historically historically historically a fresh chapter in contemporary Chinese a fresh chapter in contemporary Chinese a fresh chapter in contemporary Chinese a fresh chapter in contemporary Chinese history, the beginning of the Deng Era history, the beginning of the Deng Era history, the beginning of the Deng Era history, the beginning of the Deng Era Private apart from those who interwine private individual shares with a variety of apart from those who interwine private individual shares with a variety of apart from those who interwine private individual shares with a variety of apart from those who interwine private individual shares with a variety of the SOE shares, and the government shares or the "power shares" the SOE shares, and the government shares or the "power shares" the SOE shares, and the government shares or the "power shares" the SOE shares, and the government shares or the "power shares" Are those so-called "private entrepreneurs" who were in fact Are those so-called "private entrepreneurs" who were in fact Are those so-called "private entrepreneurs" who were in fact Are those so-called "private entrepreneurs" who were in fact transferred from the former SOEs true private businessen? transferred from the former SOEs true private businessen? transferred from the former SOEs true private businessen? transferred from the former SOEs true private businessen?
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