309教育资源库www309edu.com Unit2 Sectiona(1a-2d)优质课教案 教学目标 1. Knowled ge objectives 1)Learn some new words, such as, mooncake, lantern, relative and pound (2)Know more about the Chinese traditional festivals, such as, the Water Festival, the Dragon Boat Festival, the Spring Festival, the Lantern Festival 2. Ability objectives: Enable students to talk about their favorite festivals and use the object clause to express their opinions 3. Emotional objectives: Help students to cooperate with others and exchange their opinions II重点难点 1. Some festivals and the simple object clauses 2. To make their own conversations with the four trad itional festivals II教学过程 Step l organization Step 2 Leading-in Watch a video about the mid- Autumn festiⅳal(设计意图:活跃课堂气氛,作好热身准 备。借助沙画视频<<中秋节>>导入新课」 Step 3 New lesson Presentation Look at the picture and guess what festivals they are.(设计意图:通过观看图片,生动形 象地记忆单词) Step 4 Practice 1. Watch a video 2. Discussion: Discuss their favorite festivals, the reasons and what they can do at the festival 3. Match the pictures with the description 4. Listen and circle T for true or F for false.(设计意图:通过听力训练,回顾节日的表达法) 5. The learning of the object clause 6. Make a dialogue about one of the four festivals (设计意图:通过对话训练强化对宾语从句的运用,运用新语言和知识结构进行合作探究) 7. Listen and circle the correct words 8. Role-play conversations 309教育资源库www.309educom309 教育资源库 www.309edu.com 309 教育资源库 www.309edu.com Unit2 SectionA(1a—2d)优质课教案 I 教学目标 1. Knowledge objectives (1) Learn some new words, such as, mooncake, lantern, relative and pound (2) Know more about the Chinese traditional festivals, such as, the Water Festival, the Dragon Boat Festival, the Spring Festival, the Lantern Festival 2. Ability objectives: Enable students to talk about their favorite festivals and use the object clause to express their opinions. 3. Emotional objectives: Help students to cooperate with others and exchange their opinions. II 重点难点 1. Some festivals and the simple object clauses. 2. To make their own conversations with the four traditional festivals. III 教学过程 Step 1 Organization Step 2 Leading-in Watch a video about the Mid-Autumn Festival.(设计意图:活跃课堂气氛,作好热身准 备。借助沙画视频<<中秋节>>导入新课) Step 3 New lesson Presentation Look at the picture and guess what festivals they are.(设计意图:通过观看图片,生动形 象地记忆单词) Step 4 Practice 1. Watch a video. 2. Discussion: Discuss their favorite festivals, the reasons and what they can do at the festivals. 3. Match the pictures with the descriptions. 4. Listen and circle T for true or F for false.(设计意图:通过听力训练,回顾节日的表达法) 5. The learning of the object clause. 6. Make a dialogue about one of the four festivals. (设计意图:通过对话训练强化对宾语从句的运用,运用新语言和知识结构进行合作探究) 7. Listen and circle the correct words. 8. Role-play conversations
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