General description of internal structure of brain stem ◆ Constitution Gray matter, white matter reticular formation Central canal open to form the 4th ventricle Grey matter is separated into nuclei by nervous fiber Nuclei types: cranial nuclei and non cranial nuclei Nuclei are located in the superficial layer near back surface of brain stem Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan UniversityCopy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University General description of internal structure of brain stem Constitution: Gray matter,white matter & reticular formation Central canal open to form the 4th ventricle Grey matter is separated into nuclei by nervous fiber Nuclei types: cranial nuclei and non cranial nuclei Nuclei are located in the superficial layer near back surface of brain stem