Chiazoka K.Inyamah Educational Technology makes it possible for learners to be exposed to variety of ways to learning.In the Wikipedia Free Encyclopedia(2014),it is stated that Educational Technology offers more opportunities for extended learning with the internet.For instance,students can access course materials at home and engage with numerous online resources available to them using the computer. With the internet,they can conduct researches,play educational games etc.In a situation where one has to work as well as go to school,this option becomes effective in granting access to education even while working. The world is now a global village.A learner may not really need a teacher to stand in front of him or her to give instruction.Through utilization of modern educational resources that are provided in this age,the learner keys into the learning system unlike in the traditional setting.In the Questia.com (2014).it is explained that learning resources are available globally and without any restriction unlike the traditional courses classes which held at particular time in a particular venue.What this means,is that with Educational Technology,learners need not be in the classrooms to acquire learning;they can access materials even from their bedrooms.They make the choice of what,where and how to learn thus,controlling the pace of the learning process which now is no longer determined by the instructor or teacher as is the case with the traditional classes.This is typical of the Open and Distance learning system world-wide.Again,in situations where opportunity to attend school have been lost, Educational Technology offers to people so affected in this way,another opportunity to acquire education at all levels through the Open and Distance learning programmes thus,bridging gaps in learning. Learning goals in this age have shifted from surface to deep learning.Learning environments have become more immersive (involving)and more authentic.As a result,learning has to be active. To achieve this,AECT (2004)explained that Educational Technology helps to support learning instead of controlling it as it designs learning tasks or opportunities that enable students find out answers to questions.In Questia.com(2014)also,it is explained that Educational Technology makes the process of learning very active than in the traditional educational setting.Since the learner is engaged in the process and he learns through experience e.g use of Computer-Based Assessment to get instant feedbacks and for self diagnosis.In other words,activities are created to keep the learner actively engaged throughout the learning processes.It is a fact that practice makes perfect and so, whatever is knowledge and skills learnt through this means,remains permanent. One of the ways of bridging the gaps in learning is by providing differentiated instrument.In the Wikipedia free Encyclopedia(2014),it is pointed out that Educational Technology doesn't only provide the means to focus on active student participation and to present differentiated questioning strategies,it helps to broaden individualizing of instruction and promoting the development of personalized learning plans.For instance,Smith and Thorne (2004)in the Wikipedia Free Encyclopedia pointed out that with the use of multimedia instructional materials.students incorporate the knowledge gained in creative ways.This allows student to individually progress from using lower- order skills gained from Drills and practice to higher-order thinking through applying concepts creatively and creating simulations. One thing which the digital age has brought into the society is the use of multimedia technological devices such as mobile phones,video and audio conferencing (Teleconference)etc used for social networking.A study carried out by the National School Boards Association (2007)in Wikipedia Free Encyclopedia (2014)indicated that Social Networking by students encourage collaboration and engagement while it is helping the teachers who are meaningfully trying to find ways to involve every student in something that is personally engaging.For the teachers,social network provides professional development by introducing students to discovery of the learning potentials for themselves,finding other educators who are using such technologies in the classroom 44 Educational Technology makes it possible for learners to be exposed to variety of ways to learning. In the Wikipedia Free Encyclopedia (2014), it is stated that Educational Technology offers more opportunities for extended learning with the internet. For instance, students can access course materials at home and engage with numerous online resources available to them using the computer. With the internet, they can conduct researches, play educational games etc. In a situation where one has to work as well as go to school, this option becomes effective in granting access to education even while working. The world is now a global village. A learner may not really need a teacher to stand in front of him or her to give instruction. Through utilization of modern educational resources that are provided in this age, the learner keys into the learning system unlike in the traditional setting. In the Questia.com (2014), it is explained that learning resources are available globally and without any restriction unlike the traditional courses classes which held at particular time in a particular venue. What this means, is that with Educational Technology, learners need not be in the classrooms to acquire learning; they can access materials even from their bedrooms. They make the choice of what, where and how to learn thus, controlling the pace of the learning process which now is no longer determined by the instructor or teacher as is the case with the traditional classes. This is typical of the Open and Distance learning system world-wide. Again, in situations where opportunity to attend school have been lost, Educational Technology offers to people so affected in this way, another opportunity to acquire education at all levels through the Open and Distance learning programmes thus, bridging gaps in learning. Learning goals in this age have shifted from surface to deep learning. Learning environments have become more immersive (involving) and more authentic. As a result, learning has to be active. To achieve this, AECT (2004) explained that Educational Technology helps to support learning instead of controlling it as it designs learning tasks or opportunities that enable students find out answers to questions. In Questia.com (2014) also, it is explained that Educational Technology makes the process of learning very active than in the traditional educational setting. Since the learner is engaged in the process and he learns through experience e.g use of Computer-Based Assessment to get instant feedbacks and for self diagnosis. In other words, activities are created to keep the learner actively engaged throughout the learning processes. It is a fact that practice makes perfect and so, whatever is knowledge and skills learnt through this means, remains permanent. One of the ways of bridging the gaps in learning is by providing differentiated instrument. In the Wikipedia free Encyclopedia (2014), it is pointed out that Educational Technology doesn’t only provide the means to focus on active student participation and to present differentiated questioning strategies, it helps to broaden individualizing of instruction and promoting the development of personalized learning plans. For instance, Smith and Thorne (2004) in the Wikipedia Free Encyclopedia pointed out that with the use of multimedia instructional materials, students incorporate the knowledge gained in creative ways. This allows student to individually progress from using lower￾order skills gained from Drills and practice to higher-order thinking through applying concepts creatively and creating simulations. One thing which the digital age has brought into the society is the use of multimedia technological devices such as mobile phones, video and audio conferencing (Teleconference) etc used for social networking. A study carried out by the National School Boards Association (2007) in Wikipedia Free Encyclopedia (2014) indicated that Social Networking by students encourage collaboration and engagement while it is helping the teachers who are meaningfully trying to find ways to involve every student in something that is personally engaging. For the teachers, social network provides professional development by introducing students to discovery of the learning potentials for themselves, finding other educators who are using such technologies in the classroom Chiazoka K. Inyamah
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