2.Software Myths Practitioner's myths Myth:Once we write the program and get it to work,our job is done. oo Cse3某公园有一游船码头,负责人希望开发一游船管理系统, 要求如下:当游客租船时,管理员输入S表示租船周期开始;当游客 还船时,管理员输入表示租船周期结束。一天结束时,要求系统打 印出粗船次数和平均租船时间。 新要求:输出一天中的最长 Realify:Someone once said that "the 租用时间。 sooner you begin 'writing code',the 新要求:将报告分上午和下 longer it'll take you to get done." 午输出。 Industry data indicate that between 60 新要求:当通信线路出问题 and 80 percent of all effort expended on 时,能从计算中刷除一切不 a program will be expended after it is 完整的租船信息。 delivered to the customer for the first time. Slide 1.13 13/21 2. Software Myths
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