Text Study Background Information 2.Elizabeth Browning Elizabeth Barrett (1806-1861), wife of Robert Browning the poet,who was six year younger than her,came from a well-to- do family.She enjoyed a happy childhood in the countryside. But when she was fifteen,a fall from her horse injured her (Elizabeth Browning, spine(脊梁骨)and from then on 1806-1861) she became a helpless invalid confined to her own room. To Be ContinuedElizabeth Barrett (1806-1861), wife of Robert Browning the poet, who was six year younger than her, came from a well-to￾do family. She enjoyed a happy childhood in the countryside. But when she was fifteen, a fall from her horse injured her spine(脊梁骨) and from then on she became a helpless invalid confined to her own room. Text Study :Background Information (Elizabeth Browning, 1806-1861) 2. Elizabeth Browning
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