资料收集于网络,如有侵权请联系网站删除 How much did you all these things? 14.我至今还没有得到她的回复 I have had no reply from her 15.我觉得对我来说是采取行动的时间了。 I felt that it was time for me 02能力提升 Ⅳ.阅读理解。 11-year-old Sean Lesniak is interested in sharks. He wants to help them survive(E 存) When Sean was 3 years old, he learned that many sharks were killed just for their fins! As Sean 's interest in sharks grew, he wanted to take action to protect sharks. He decided to start at home when he learned that his state, Massachusetts, did not have a law that prevented shark finning Sean wrote a letter to his state representative(HiX Ai), David Nangle, asking him to introduce a law that would ban( 1b)shark finning in their state. In his letter, Sean included a painting of a shark with its fin removed After a few tries, he was able to speak to Representative Nangle who agreed to propose hebl(提出此项议案). In June,2014 it became a law! Massachusetts is now one of the10 states in America that ban shark finning. Sean is also now interested in helping protect se. turtles in his home state. And guess what Sean wants to be when he grows up. A shark biologist生物学家) of cours Seans actions show how young people can make a big difference. His advice to other hildren is, " If you are interested in something and if you believe you can do it, you should try your best to make it happen 根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F) ()16. Sean is scared of sharks )17. Sean wrote a letter to the Representative Nangle ( )18. Massachusetts is Sean,s hometown )19. Massachusetts has already banned shark finning since June, 2014 (20. Sean,'s dream is to become a shark biologist 第四课时 Section B(1a~le) 01基础过关 1.用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空 take, recycle, own, napkin, shop paper is a really easy thing for everyone 2. The girl doesn't have her 3. She went with her sister in the supermarket yesterday 4. My brother is a shower in the bathroom now. 只供学习与交流资料收集于网络,如有侵权 请联系网站删除 只供学习与交流 How much did you ________ ________ all these things? 14. 我至今还没有得到她的回复。 I have had no reply from her ________ ________. 15. 我觉得对我来说是采取行动的时间了。 I felt that it was time for me ________ ________ ________. 02 能力提升 Ⅳ. 阅读理解。 11-year-old Sean Lesniak is interested in sharks. He wants to help them survive(生 存). When Sean was 3 years old,he learned that many sharks were killed just for their fins! As Sean's interest in sharks grew,he wanted to take action to protect sharks. He decided to start at home when he learned that his state,Massachusetts,did not have a law that prevented shark finning! Sean wrote a letter to his state representative(州议员),David Nangle,asking him to introduce a law that would ban(禁止) shark finning in their state. In his letter,Sean included a painting of a shark with its fin removed. After a few tries,he was able to speak to Representative Nangle who agreed to propose the bill(提出此项议案). In June,2014 it became a law! Massachusetts is now one of the 10 states in America that ban shark finning. Sean is also now interested in helping protect sea turtles in his home state .And guess what Sean wants to be when he grows up. A shark biologist(生物学家) of course! Sean's actions show how young people can make a big difference. His advice to other children is,“If you are interested in something and if you believe you can do it,you should try your best to make it happen.” 根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F)。 ( ) 16. Sean is scared of sharks. ( ) 17. Sean wrote a letter to the Representative Nangle. ( ) 18. Massachusetts is Sean's hometown. ( ) 19. Massachusetts has already banned shark finning since June,2014. ( ) 20. Sean's dream is to become a shark biologist. 第四课时 Section B(1a~1e) 01 基础过关 Ⅰ.用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。 take,recycle,own,napkin,shop 1._ _______ paper is a really easy thing for everyone. 2. The girl doesn't have her ________ room. 3. She went ________ with her sister in the supermarket yesterday. 4. My brother is ________ a shower in the bathroom now
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