inconsistent. Where in same cases of asthmatic patients certain genes are a factor in other asthmatic patients certain genes are a nonfactor Environmental factors that can trigger asthma consist of a two parts. One part includes tobacco smoke, dust, and air pollutants, which would irritate the lungs. The other factors are of which would affect the immune system this includes caesarean section and psychological stress Genetic and environmental factors of eczema Similar to asthma, no one gene affects eczema However one gene that certainly play portant role in eczema is the filaggrin gene this gene encodes the protein that forms a protective barrier that keeps moisture in and infectious organisms out. Another gene is SPiNK5 which plays a role in anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial protection of mucous epithelia. one gene plays a role in keeping the antigen out of the body while the other gene affects how the body would respond to said antigen As with asthma, environmental factors also play a factor in the development of eczema. this also stems from a wide range of allergens and immune system changing factors Link between asthma and eczema There has been an established link between asthma and eczema. Fifty to seventy percent of children with severe eczema will develop asthma this is known asinconsistent. Where in same cases of asthmatic patients certain genes are a factor, in other asthmatic patients certain genes are a nonfactor. Environmental factors that can trigger asthma consist of a two parts. One part includes tobacco smoke, dust, and air pollutants, which would irritate the lungs. The other factors are of which would affect the immune system. This includes caesarean section and psychological stress. Genetic and environmental factors of eczema Similar to asthma, no one gene affects eczema. However one gene that certainly plays an important role in eczema is the Filaggrin gene. This gene encodes the protein that forms a protective barrier that keeps moisture in and infectious organisms out. Another gene is SPINK5 which plays a role in anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial protection of mucous epithelia. One gene plays a role in keeping the antigen out of the body, while the other gene affects how the body would respond to said antigen. As with asthma, environmental factors also play a factor in the development of eczema. This also stems from a wide range of allergens and immune system changing factors. Link between asthma and eczema There has been an established link between asthma and eczema. Fifty to seventy percent of children with severe eczema will develop asthma. This is known as
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