tcreee MalonDerive aven 2 Maxwell's equation Boundary sondition of Maxwell's equntion eross surfice (any difre sion 3 Con ervation Law 1)Derive charge conservation from Maxwell's equation 2)Ene rgy of lectromagnetic d.Poyning horem.Physeal interpretation of n equation of ener onflict between Ampere's Law to Newton's third law.Momentum of electromagnetic well's stre ation of electr Mechanical effect of light.Tractor bea 7) Angular momentum conservation.Orbital and Spin angular momentum of light 4.教学方法 Lectures,discussions,etc. 5.教学评价 Corresponding exercises and supplementary exercises afer clas Chapter 9:Electromagnetic Wave 1.教学目标 Understand and solve the Wave equation Grasp reflection and transmission from a semi-infnitedielectric 2.教学重难点 Wave equation.Transmission and reflection,group and phase velocity 3.教学内容 electrostatics(from Coulomb's Law)and magnetostatics(from Ampere's Law) nstation(st one ave equation amplitude pha propagation directions. 4)Polarization of electromagnetic wave Session 2:Monochromatic plane wave 1)Particular fr quency traveling in a particular direction.Helmholtz equation. ag Ref 6)Impedance of medium. 0 0 t             E J Session 2 Maxwell’s Equation 1) Electromagnetic wave in vacuum: sourceless Maxwell’s equation. Derive wave equation in three-dimension. 2) Electromagnetic wave in matters. 3) Boundary condition of Maxwell’s equation cross surface (any difference to statics?) Session 3 Conservation Laws 1) Derive charge conservation from Maxwell’s equation 2) Energy of electromagnetic field. Poynting’s theorem. Physical interpretation of energy density of electromagnetic field. 3) Continuity equation of energy 4) Conflict between Ampere’s Law to Newton’s third law. Momentum of electromagnetic field. 5) Maxwell’s stress tensor and momentum conservation of electromagnetic field. 6) Mechanical effect of light. Tractor beam, optical tweezers, Solar sail. 7) Angular momentum conservation. Orbital and Spin angular momentum of light. 4.教学方法 Lectures, discussions, etc. 5.教学评价 Corresponding exercises and supplementary exercises after class. Chapter 9: Electromagnetic Wave 1.教学目标 Understand and solve the Wave equation Grasp reflection and transmission from a semi-infinite dielectric 2.教学重难点 Wave equation, Transmission and reflection, group and phase velocity 3.教学内容 Session 1: Electromagnetic wave in vacuum 1) Speed of light. A constant determined by two constants derived and measured directly electrostatics ( 0  from Coulomb’s Law) and magnetostatics ( 0 from Ampere’s Law) 2) Hertz experiment. In class demonstration (using mobile phone) 3) Classic wave equation. Amplitude, phase, wave number, propagation directions. 4) Polarization of electromagnetic wave Session 2: Monochromatic plane wave 1) Particular frequency traveling in a particular direction. Helmholtz equation. 2) Complex notation vs. experimentally measurable quantity. Del operator. 3) Electric/Magnetic field in vector notation. Poynting vector and momentum of electromagnetic field in vector notation. 4) Electromagnetic wave in matter. Speed of light in matter. Refractive index 5) Refraction and transmission at a boundary surface of two media 6) Impedance of medium
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