Signs Organism Symptoms Pathoger Clinical Features Vibrio cholerae Abrupt onset of iiquid alarmed in enc diarrhea Toxincauses hypersecretion in small area Needs prompt replacement of fluid intestine. Infective and electrolytes IV or orally, Stool cultures dose >10 organisms positive Use selective media Shigella species(mild ot onset of diarrhea: can hav cases) Dysentery Organisms invade epithelial cells; blood pus in stools, cramps, tenesmus, and lethargy mucus, and PMNs in mild and self-limiting. Restore fluids <organisms Shigella dysenteriae Produces cytotoxin and Severe bloody diarrhea in children in developing type 1(Shiga bloody countries; high fatality rate. Rare in the United Salmonella species Dysentery Superficial infection of Gradual or abrupt onset of diarrhea and low- gut, little invasion. grade fever. WBC in stool. Stool cultures are Infective dose >10 positive. No antimicrobials unless systemic organisms immuno-compromised. Prolonged carriage s frequent sidious onset of malaise, anorexia. Salmonella Typhi Enteric fever evades intestinal mucosa myalgias, and headache; high remittent Is pororyph/A and B and multiplies in macrophages in fever may have constipation or diarrhea. Hepatosplenomegaly in about 50% of patient, Diagnosis by culture of s typhi from
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