CIVIL LIBERTIES:PROTECTING INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS A bill of rights is what the people are entitled to against every goverment on eartit,generat or articular,and what0 just should refus,or rest on inferenc. Thomas jefferson ○hooa9 e r的 their home.Brandishing guns,they searched the house for a relative of the Creightons who was suspected of bank robbery.When asked to show a search warrant,they said,"You watch too much TV."Failing to find the suspect,they departed,leaving behind three screaming children and two angry parents.The Creightons sued the FBI agent in charge,Russell Anderson,for violating their Fourth Amendment right against unlawful search. The Creightons won a temporary victory when the Eighth U.S.Court of Appeals,noting that individuals are constitutionally protected against warrant- less searches unless officers have good reason ("probable cause)for a search and unless they have good reason ("exigent circumstances)for conducting that search without a warrant,concluded that Anderson had been derelict in his duty.In the judgment of the appellate court.Anderson should have sought a warrant from a judge,who,on the basis of Anderson's information about the suspect's whereabouts,could have decided whether a search of the Creightons' home was justified. On June 25,1987,the Supreme Court of the United States overtured the lower court's ruling.In a 6-3 decision written by Justice Antonin Scalia,the Court stated:“We have recognized that it is inevitable that law enforcement 9
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