2388 GET ON/OFF 3656 动者南 南南 We waited for hours in the queue to get on (TRANs) 2404 AS A WHOLE 3615 ★南 ★南南 南★★ As a whole it's OK. 2407 IN PRACTICE 3609 南 There was nothing she could do in practice. 2408 BY THE TIME 3607 中南南 南南★ By the time dinner started there were none left. 2409L0TS0F 3605 动者南 青南 Lots of them do travel during the winter months. 2417 SAID TO BE 3586 X 南南南 南 The priest was said to be missing. 2425 IN TIME 3566 南南 南南南 南有 You will in time. 2429 IN TURN 3558 南南 南南 The supermarket in turn will donate seven thousand. 2437 ONCE AGAIN 3532 青南南 Once again,this was completely unforeseen. 2439 ALL THE TIME 3527 贵者南 青南 I go there all the time. 2442 ON THE BASIS 3515 青南南 南青青 She came on the basis that it would help her. (OF) 2445 KIND OF 3510 X The windows are kind of fogged up. 2446 GET INTO 3508 贵者贵 清西 I really got into what he was talking about. 2454 RELY ON 3488 南为南 南青南 He has no one else to rely on. 2483G0F0R 3421 南南南 I could really go for a hamburger right now. 2484 AIM TO 3415 南者南 南南南 They aim to complete the project by the spring. 2498 MAKEUP 3394 南南南 南南南 Hispanics make up a large part of the population. ('COMPRISE) 2531 APPEAL TO 3299 It appeals to younger leamers. 2536END UP 3285 青者★ 贵★ We ended up going anyway. 2548 SHAKE ONE'S 3250 南南贵 X He just shook his head and laughed. HEAD 2557 NO MORE THAN 3226 南南 南南南 No more than five of them had auto insurance ('ONLY') 2575 GET BACK 3178 贵者南 What time will we get back? 2584 WHAT ABOUT 3160 发 But what about tomorrow?8 2388 GET ON/OFF (TRANs) 3656 * * * * * x We waited for hours in the queue to get on. 2404 AS A WHOLE 3615 * * * * * * * * As a whole it’s OK. 2407 IN PRACTICE 3609 * * * * * * * There was nothing she could do in practice. 2408 BY THE TIME 3607 * * * * * * * By the time dinner started there were none left. 2409 LOTS OF 3605 * * * * * x Lots of them do travel during the winter months. 2417 SAID TO BE 3586 x * * * * The priest was said to be missing. 2425 IN TIME 3566 * * * * * * * You will in time. 2429 IN TURN 3558 * * * * * * The supermarket in turn will donate seven thousand. 2437 ONCE AGAIN 3532 * * * * * * * * * Once again, this was completely unforeseen. 2439 ALL THE TIME 3527 * * * * * * I go there all the time. 2442 ON THE BASIS (OF) 3515 * * * * * * * She came on the basis that it would help her. 2445 KIND OF 3510 * * * * x The windows are kind of fogged up. 2446 GET INTO 3508 * * * * * * I really got into what he was talking about. 2454 RELY ON 3488 * * * * * * * * * He has no one else to rely on. 2483 GO FOR 3421 * * * * x I could really go for a hamburger right now. 2484 AIM TO 3415 * * * * * * * They aim to complete the project by the spring. 2498 MAKE UP (‘COMPRISE’) 3394 * * * * * * * Hispanics make up a large part of the population. 2531 APPEAL TO 3299 * * * * * * * It appeals to younger learners. 2536 END UP 3285 * * * * * * * * We ended up going anyway. 2548 SHAKE ONE’S HEAD 3250 * * * * x He just shook his head and laughed. 2557 NO MORE THAN (‘ONLY’) 3226 * * * * * * No more than five of them had auto insurance. 2575 GET BACK 3178 * * * * * * What time will we get back ? 2584 WHAT ABOUT 3160 * * * * * x But what about tomorrow?
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