Louis Pasteur (1882-1895) 服务于社会的科学家 .French chemist and artists; Doctorate in chemistry; .Studied the effect of tartaric acid on polarized light: discovered two types of crystals which were mirror images of each other--founder of stereochemistry. Life molecules are asymmetric; Fermentation is a life process; ◆“Germ theory of diseases father of microbiology and immunology ◆Rejected“spontaneous generation', PDF文件使用"pdfFactory Pro”试用版本创建m,fineprint.com,c如Louis Pasteur (1882-1895) 服务于社会的科学家 w French chemist and artists; w Doctorate in chemistry; w Studied the effect of tartaric acid on polarized light: discovered two types of crystals which were mirror images of each other--founder of stereochemistry. w Life molecules are asymmetric; w Fermentation is a life process; w “Germ theory of diseases”. w father of microbiology and immunology w Rejected “spontaneous generation”. PDF 文件使用 "pdfFactory Pro" 试用版本创建 www.fineprint.com.cn