1. take, enter(an examination or competition) *1 didn't go on for the crossword competition 2. have an interest in, have as a hobby I don't go in for sport very much David likes country life and has decided to go in for farming 16)(L58 gamble: v. play games of chance for money; take great risks for the chance of winning She was fond of gambling on cards and horses. He gambled every penny he had on the last race 我们准备在户外聚会。当然,我们这是把赌注押在了天气上。 (We're having the party outside. Of course, we're gambling on the weather 17)(L60 senseless: a 1. pointless; foolish I condemn this senseless violence It would be senseless to continue any further. 2. unconscious The little match girl fell senseless to the ground in the storm 18(L60)commit: vt 1. perform(a crime, foolish act, etc. *He denied that he had committed the murder *there has been a rise in the amount of crime committed 2. give or transfer for safe keeping, treatment, etc. They committed the patient to the mental hospital. He was found guilty and committed to prison11 1. take, enter (an examination or competition) *I didn’t go on for the crossword competition. 2. have an interest in, have as a hobby *I don’t go in for sport very much. *David likes country life and has decided to go in for farming. 16) (L58) gamble: v. play games of chance for money; take great risks for the chance of winning *She was fond of gambling on cards and horses. *He gambled every penny he had on the last race. *我们准备在户外聚会。当然,我们这是把赌注押在了天气上。 (=We’re having the party outside. Of course, we’re gambling on the weather.) 17) (L60) senseless: a. 1. pointless; foolish I condemn this senseless violence. It would be senseless to continue any further. 2. unconscious *The little match girl fell senseless to the ground in the storm. 18) (L60) commit: vt. 1. perform (a crime, foolish act, etc. ) *He denied that he had committed the murder. *There has been a rise in the amount of crime committed. 2. give or transfer for safe keeping, treatment, etc. *They committed the patient to the mental hospital. *He was found guilty and committed to prison
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